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- Ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses
- Ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- Ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses
- Ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses
- ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- ac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- add
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT add</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Adds elements object to CircuitElements
dictionary. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - add
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT add</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Adds elements objects to Elements dictionary. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - add
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT add</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Add element object reference toNetlist
, it extends add method to add check of element class because subcircuit can't contain particular elements inside, like ::SpiceGenTcl::Include, ::SpiceGenTcl::Library, ::SpiceGenTcl::Options and ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - addNets
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addNets</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>nets</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Global - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?</span>
Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?</span>
Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?-eq?</span>
Adds new Parameter object to the list Params. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?</span>
Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?args?</span>
Creates new parameter object and add it to the listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value ?-eq?</span>
Adds new Parameter object to the list Params. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - addParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName value</span>
Adds new parameter to subcircuit, and throws error on dublicated names. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - addVector
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT addVector</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>vectorName</span>
Adds newParameterVector
object to the list Vectors. ::SpiceGenTcl::Save - am ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Analysis ::SpiceGenTcl
- appendDataPoints
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT appendDataPoints</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>dataPoint</span>
method to set the data points ::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset - argsPreprocess
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT argsPreprocess</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramsNames ?args?</span>
Calls argparse and constructs list for passing to Device constructor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility - Axis ::SpiceGenTcl
- B ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- B ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- B ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Batch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators
- Batch ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators
- Batch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators
- BatchLiveLog ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators
- BehaviouralSource ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- BehaviouralSource ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- BehaviouralSource ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- BinaryReader ::SpiceGenTcl
- Bjt ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Bjt ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Bjt ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- BjtGPModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- BjtGPModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- BjtGPModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- buildArgStr
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT buildArgStr</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramsNames</span>
Builds argument list for argparse. ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility - buildSwArgStr
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT buildSwArgStr</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramsNames</span>
Builds argument list for argparse that doesn't need an argument value. ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility - buildTopNetlist
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT buildTopNetlist</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file. For unknowns to SpiceGenTcl models the new model class is created during the parsing and evaluated in a caller context. For each subcircuit (and nested subcircuits) the corresponding class is created and evaluated in a caller context. ::SpiceGenTcl::Parser - C ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- C ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- C ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- C ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Capacitor ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- Capacitor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Capacitor ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- Capacitor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Cccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Cccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Cccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Cccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Ccvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Ccvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Ccvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Ccvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- checkFloating
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT checkFloating</span>
Determines if pin is connected to the node. ::SpiceGenTcl::Pin - checkFloatingPins
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT checkFloatingPins</span>
Check if some pin device doesn't have connected nodes and return list of them. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - Circuit ::SpiceGenTcl
- CModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- CModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- Comment ::SpiceGenTcl
- constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>type params ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classAnalysis
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Axis create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Axis new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span>
initialize axis ::SpiceGenTcl::Axis - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Circuit create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Circuit new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span>
Creates object of classCircuitNetlist
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classComment
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Comment - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Dataset create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Dataset new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span>
initialize dataset ::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Device create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Device new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins params</span>
Creates object of classDevice
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>EmptyTrace create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>EmptyTrace new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len ?numType?</span>
initialize dummy trace ::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>nets ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classGlobal
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Global - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>params ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classIc
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classInclude
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Include - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>value libValue ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classLibrary
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Library - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Model create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Model new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type params</span>
Creates object of classModel
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Netlist create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Netlist new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span>
Creates object of classNetlist
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>params ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classOptions
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Parameter create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Parameter new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameter
with parameter name and value. ::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterDefault create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value defValue</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterDefault new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value defValue</span>
Creates object of classParameterDefault
with parameter name, value and default value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterDefault - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterEquation create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterEquation new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterEquation
with parameter name and value as an equation. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNoCheck create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNoCheck new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterNoCheck
with parameter name and value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNode create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNode new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterNode
with parameter name and value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNode - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNodeEquation create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterNodeEquation new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterNodeEquation
with parameter name and value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNodeEquation - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositional create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositional new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterPositional
with parameter name and value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositionalEquation create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositionalEquation new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterPositionalEquation
with parameter name and value as an equation in positional form. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositionalNoCheck create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterPositionalNoCheck new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value</span>
Creates object of classParameterPositionalNoCheck
. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterSwitch create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ParameterSwitch new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name</span>
Creates object of classParameterSwitch
with parameter name. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>params ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classParamStatement
. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Parser create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name filepath</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Parser new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name filepath</span>
Creates object of classParser
that do parsing of valid simulator netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Parser - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Pin create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name nodeName</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Pin new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name nodeName</span>
Creates object of classPin
with name and connected node ::SpiceGenTcl::Pin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>RawFile create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>path ?traces2read? ?simulator?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>RawFile new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>path ?traces2read? ?simulator?</span>
Creates RawFile object. ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classRawString
. ::SpiceGenTcl::RawString - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>vectors ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classParamStatement
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Save - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Subcircuit create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Subcircuit new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins params</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuit
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>value ?-eq?</span>
Creates object of classTemp
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Temp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Trace create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len axis ?numType?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Trace new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type len axis ?numType?</span>
initialize trace ::SpiceGenTcl::Trace - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -c value ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-ic value?</span>
Creates object of classCapacitor
that describes capacitor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Capacitor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -icntrl value -model value ?-on|-off?</span>
Creates object of classCSwitch
that describes current controlled switch device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::CSwitch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -l value ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span>
Creates object of classInductor
that describes inductor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Inductor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -r value ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span>
Creates object of classResistor
that describes resistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Resistor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstance
that describes subcircuit instance. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>subcktObj name nodes ?-paramName paramValue ?-eq? ...?</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstanceAuto
that describes subcircuit instance with already created subcircuit definition object. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode ncpNode ncmNode -model value ?-on|-off?</span>
Creates object of classVSwitch
that describes voltage controlled switch device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::VSwitch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-variation value -n value -fstart value -fstop value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classAc
that describes AC analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-src value -start value -stop value -incr value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classDc
that describes DC analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classOp
that describes OP analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-tstep value -tstop value ?-tstart value ?-tmax value?? ?-uic? ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classTran
that describes TRAN analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ac create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ac new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::ac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -consrc value -gain value ?-m value?</span>
Creates object of classCccs
that describes linear current-controlled current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Cccs - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -consrc value -transr value</span>
Creates object of classCcvs
that describes linear current-controlled current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Ccvs - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>dc create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>dc new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::dc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>exp create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>exp new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::exp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Iac create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Iac new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
Creates object of classIac
that describes ac current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Iac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -dc value</span>
Creates object of classIdc
that describes simple constant voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Idc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i1 value -i2 value -td1 value -tau1 value -td2 value -tau2 value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classIexp
that describes exponential current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Iexp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low|ioff value -high|ion value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw|ton value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classIpulse
that describes pulse current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Ipulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -seq list ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classIpwl
that describes piece-wise current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Ipwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0|ioff value -ia|iamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classIsffm
that describes single-frequency FM current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Isffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0|ioffset value -ia|iamp value -freq value ?-td value ?-theta value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classIsin
that describes sinusoidal current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Isin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::pulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>pwl create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>pwl new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::pwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>sin create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>sin new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -ac value ?-acphase value?</span>
Creates object of classVac
that describes ac voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode ncpNode ncmNode -trcond value ?-m value?</span>
Creates object of classVccs
that describes linear voltage-controlled current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vccs - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode ncpNode ncmNode -gain value</span>
Creates object of classVcvs
that describes linear voltage-controlled current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vcvs - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -dc value</span>
Creates object of classVdc
that describes simple constant voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vdc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v1 value -v2 value -td1 value -tau1 value -td2 value -tau2 value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classVexp
that describes exponential voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vexp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low|voff value -high|von value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw|ton value ?-dc value? ?-ac value ?-acphase value??</span>
Creates object of classVpulse
that describes pulse voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vpulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -seq list ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classVpwl
that describes piece-wise voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vpwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0|voff value -va|vamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classVsffm
that describes single-frequency FM voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vsffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0|voffset value -va|vamp value -freq value ?-td value ?-theta value ?-phase|phi value???</span>
Creates object of classVsin
that describes sinusoidal voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vsin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>NgspiceParser create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name filepath</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>NgspiceParser new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name filepath</span>
Creates object of classParser
that do parsing of valid Ngspice netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -c value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-scale value? ?-ic value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -c value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -q value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-c value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-m value? ?scale value? ?-ic value?</span>
Creates object of classCapacitor
that describes capacitor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Capacitor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classCModel
that describes semiconductor capacitor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::CModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name -l1 value -l2 value -k value</span>
Creates object of classCoupling
that describes inductance coupling between inductors. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Coupling - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classCSwitchModel
that describes current switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-scale value? ?-ic value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-l value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-m value? ?scale value? ?-ic value? ?-nt value? ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span>
Creates object of classInductor
that describes inductor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Inductor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classLModel
that describes inductor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::LModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -r value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-ac value? ?-m value? ?-noisy 0|1? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-scale value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -r value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-r value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-m value? ?-noisy 0|1? ?-ac value? ?scale value?</span>
Creates object of classResistor
that describes resistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Resistor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classRModel
that describes semiconductor resistor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::RModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstance
that describes subcircuit instance. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>subcktObj name nodes ?-paramName paramValue ?-eq? ...?</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstanceAuto
that describes subcircuit instance with already created subcircuit definition object. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>VerilogA create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins modName params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>VerilogA new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins modName params</span>
Creates object of classVerilogA
that describes Verilog-A instance. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::VerilogA - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classVSwitchModel
that describes voltage switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>am create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>am new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::am - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-noisy 0|1? ?-temp value|-dtemp value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-noisy 0|1? ?-temp value|-dtemp value?</span>
Creates object of classBehaviouralSource
that describes behavioural source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::BehaviouralSource - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0 value -ia value -mf value -fc value ?-td value ?-phases value??</span>
Creates object of classIam
that describes single-frequency FM current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Iam - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low value -high value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw value -per value ?-np value?</span>
Creates object of classIpulse
that describes pulse current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Ipulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0|ioff value -ia|iamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig value ?-phasec value ?-phases value??</span>
Creates object of classIsffm
that describes single-frequency FM current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Isffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::pulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::sffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0 value -va value -mf value -fc value ?-td value ?-phases value??</span>
Creates object of classVam
that describes single-frequency FM voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vam - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -dc value -ac value -portnum value ?-z0 value?</span>
Creates object of classVport
that describes simple constant voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vport - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low|voff value -high|von value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw|ton value -per|tper value ?-np value?</span>
Creates object of classVpulse
that describes pulse voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vpulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0|voff value -va|vamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig value ?-phasec value ?-phases value??</span>
Creates object of classVsffm
that describes single-frequency FM voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vsffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ncNode nbNode neNode -model value ?-ns value ?-tj value?? ?-area value? ?-areac value? ?-areab value? ?-m value? ?-ic {value value}? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-off?</span>
Creates object of classBjt
that describes semiconductor bipolar junction transistor device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classBjtGPModel
that describes Gummel-Poon model of semiconductor bipolar transistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-area value? ?-pj value? ?-ic value? ?-m value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-lm value? ?-wm value? ?-lp value? ?-wp value? ?-off?</span>
Creates object of classDiode
that describes semiconductor diode device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Diode - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classDiodeModel
that describes semiconductor diode model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-off? ?-ic {value value}? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classJfet
that describes semiconductor junction FET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classJfet1Model
that describes JFET level 1 model with Parker Skellern modification. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet1Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classJfet2Model
that describes JFET level 2 model with Parker Skellern modification. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet2Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-off? ?-ic {value value} ?</span>
Creates object of classMesfet
that describes semiconductor MESFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classMesfet1Model
that describes MESFET model by Statz e.a.. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet1Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-n4 value ?-n5 value ?-n6 value ?-n7 value???? ?-m value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-ad value|-nrd value? ?-as value|-nrs value? ?-temp value? ?-off? ?-pd value? ?-ps value? ?-ic {value value value}? ?-custparams param1 {param1Val ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?} ...?</span>
Creates object of classMosfet
that describes semiconductor MOSFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-outvar value -variation value -n value -fstart value -fstop value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classSensAc
that describes SENS ac analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensAc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-outvar value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classSensDc
that describes SENS dc analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensDc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-variation value -n value -fstart value -fstop value ?-name value? ?-donoise?</span>
Creates object of classSp
that describes s-parameter analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Sp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span>
Creates batch ngspice simulator that can be attached to top-level Circuit. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::Batch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?-key value ...? ?-key ...?</span>
Creates object of classOptionsNgspice
that describes Ngspice simulation options. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -c value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value? ?-age value? ?-d value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -c value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value? ?-age value? ?-d value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -q value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value? ?-age value? ?-d value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value? ?-age value? ?-d value? ?-l value? ?-w value?</span>
Creates object of classCapacitor
that describes capacitor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Capacitor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classCModel
that describes semiconductor capacitor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::CModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classCSwitchModel
that describes current switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value -control value ?-on|off?</span>
Creates object of classGenSwitch
that describes generic switch device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::GenSwitch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value?</span>
Creates object of classInductor
that describes inductor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Inductor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classLModel
that describes inductor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::LModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -r value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-tce value? ?-m value? ?-temp value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -r value -beh ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-tce value? ?-m value? ?-temp value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -r value -model ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-tce value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-l value? ?-w value?</span>
Creates object of classResistor
that describes resistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Resistor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classRModel
that describes semiconductor resistor model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::RModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstance
that describes subcircuit instance. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>subcktObj name nodes ?-paramName paramValue ?-eq? ...?</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstanceAuto
that describes subcircuit instance with already created subcircuit definition object. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classVSwitchModel
that describes voltage switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i value</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v value ?-smoothbsrc? ?-rcconst value?</span>
Creates object of classBehaviouralSource
that describes behavioural source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources::BehaviouralSource - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ncNode nbNode neNode -model value ?-ns value ?-tj value?? ?-area value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-off? ?-ic1 value? ?-ic2 value?</span>
Creates object of classBjt
that describes semiconductor bipolar junction transistor device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classBjtGPModel
that describes Gummel-Poon model of semiconductor bipolar transistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-area value? ?-pj value? ?-ic value? ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-custparams param1 {param1Val ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?} ...?</span>
Creates object of classDiode
that describes semiconductor diode device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Diode - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classDiodeModel
that describes semiconductor diode model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classJfet
that describes semiconductor junction FET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classJfet1Model
that describes JFET level 1 model with Parker Skellern modification. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet1Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classJfet2Model
that describes JFET level 2 model with Parker Skellern modification. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet2Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classMesfet
that describes semiconductor MESFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classMesfet1Model
that describes MESFET model by Statz e.a.. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet1Model - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-n4 value ?-n5 value ?-n6 value ?-n7 value???? ?-m value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-ad value|-nrd value? ?-as value|-nrs value? ?-temp value? ?-off? ?-pd value? ?-ps value? ?-ic {value value value}? ?-custparams param1 {param1Val ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?} ...?</span>
Creates object of classMosfet
that describes semiconductor MOSFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>-objfunc value -param value ?-name value?</span>
Creates object of classSens
that describes SENS ac analysis. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Sens - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span>
Creates batch ngspice simulator that can be attached to top-level Circuit. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators::Batch - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -c value ?-m value? ?-temp value? ?-ic value? ?-rser value? ?-lser value? ?-rpar value? ?-cpar value? ?-rlshunt value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -q value ?-m value? ?-ic value? ?-rser value? ?-lser value? ?-rpar value? ?-cpar value? ?-rlshunt value?</span>
Creates object of classCapacitor
that describes capacitor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::Capacitor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classCSwitchModel
that describes current switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value? ?-m value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-scale value? ?-ic value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -beh -l value ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-l value? ?-temp value|-dtemp value? ?-m value? ?scale value? ?-ic value? ?-nt value? ?-tc1 value? ?-tc2 value?</span>
Creates object of classInductor
that describes inductor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::Inductor - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>SubcircuitInstance new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name pins subName params</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstance
that describes subcircuit instance. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>subcktObj name nodes ?-paramName paramValue ?-eq? ...?</span>
Creates object of classSubcircuitInstanceAuto
that describes subcircuit instance with already created subcircuit definition object. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classVSwitchModel
that describes voltage switch model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>ac create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>ac new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::ac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v value ?-ic value? ?-tripdv value -tripdt value? ?-laplace value ?-window value? ?-nfft value? ?-mtol value??</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i value ?-ic value? ?-tripdv value -tripdt value? ?-laplace value ?-window value? ?-nfft value? ?-mtol value??</span>
Creates object of classBehaviouralSource
that describes behavioural source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::BehaviouralSource - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>dc create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>dc new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::dc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>exp create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>exp new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::exp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -ac value ?-dc value?</span>
Creates object of classIac
that describes ac current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Iac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -dc value</span>
Creates object of classIdc
that describes simple constant current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Idc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i1 value -i2 value -td1 value -tau1 value -td2 value -tau2 value</span>
Creates object of classIexp
that describes exponential current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Iexp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low|ioff value -high|ion value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw|ton value -per|tper value ?-np|ncycles value?</span>
Creates object of classIpulse
that describes pulse current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Ipulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -seq list</span>
Creates object of classIpwl
that describes piece-wise current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Ipwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0|ioff value -ia|iamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig value</span>
Creates object of classIsffm
that describes single-frequency FM current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Isffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -i0|ioffset value -ia|iamp value -freq value ?-td value ?-theta value ?-phase|phi value ?-ncycles value????</span>
Creates object of classIsin
that describes sinusoidal current source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Isin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>pulse new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::pulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>pwl create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>pwl new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::pwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>sffm new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>sin create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>sin new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type npNode nmNode ?args?</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -ac value ?-dc value? ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVac
that describes ac voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vac - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -dc value ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVdc
that describes simple constant voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vdc - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v1 value -v2 value -td1 value -tau1 value -td2 value -tau2 value ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVexp
that describes exponential voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vexp - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -low|voff value -high|von value -td value -tr value -tf value -pw|ton value -per|tper value ?-np|ncycles value? ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVpulse
that describes pulse voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vpulse - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -seq list ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVpwl
that describes piece-wise voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vpwl - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0|voff value -va|vamp value -fc|fcar value -mdi value -fs|fsig value ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVsffm
that describes single-frequency FM voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vsffm - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -v0|voffset value -va|vamp value -freq value ?-td value ?-theta value ?-phase|phi value ?-ncycles value???? ?-rser value? ?-cpar value?</span>
Creates object of classVsin
that describes sinusoidal voltage source. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::Vsin - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ncNode nbNode neNode -model value ?-ns value? ?-area value? ?-m value? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classBjt
that describes semiconductor bipolar junction transistor device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classBjtGPModel
that describes Gummel-Poon model of semiconductor bipolar transistor. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name npNode nmNode -model value ?-area value? ?-off? ?-m value? ?-n value? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classDiode
that describes semiconductor diode device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Diode - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classDiodeIdealModel
that describes semiconductor diode model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeIdealModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classDiodeModel
that describes semiconductor diode model. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-off? ?-temp value?</span>
Creates object of classJfet
that describes semiconductor junction FET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classJfetModel
that describes JFET level 1 model with Parker Skellern modification. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::JfetModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-area value? ?-off? ?-ic {value value} ?</span>
Creates object of classMesfet
that describes semiconductor MESFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name type ?-option value ...?</span>
Creates object of classMesfetModel
that describes MESFET model by Statz e.a.. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::MesfetModel - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value -n4|nb value ?-n5 value ?-n6 value ?-n7 value??? ?-m value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-ad value|-nrd value? ?-as value|-nrs value? ?-temp value? ?-off? ?-pd value? ?-ps value? ?-ic {value value value}? ?-custparams param1 {param1Val ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?} ...?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT constructor</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ndNode ngNode nsNode -model value ?-m value? ?-l value? ?-w value? ?-temp value? ?-off? ?-custparams param1 {param1Val ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?} ...?</span>
Creates object of classMosfet
that describes semiconductor MOSFET device. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet - constructor
<span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch create OBJNAME</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span> <span class='ruff_cmd'>Batch new</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name ?runLocation?</span>
Creates batch ngspice simulator that can be attached to top-level Circuit. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch - Coupling ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- CSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- CSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- CSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- CSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- CSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- CSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- CSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- D ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- D ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- D ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Dataset ::SpiceGenTcl
- Dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses
- Dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- Dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses
- Dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses
- dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- dc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- del
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT del</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Deletes elements from the circuit by its name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - del
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT del</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Deletes elements from the netlist by its name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - deleteNet
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteNet</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>net</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Global - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - deleteParam
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteParam</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>paramName</span>
Deletes existingParameter
object from listParams
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - deleteVector
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT deleteVector</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>vectorName</span>
Deletes existingParameterVector
object from dictionaryVectors
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Save - detachSimulator
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT detachSimulator</span>
object reference fromCircuit
. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - Device ::SpiceGenTcl
- Diode ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Diode ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Diode ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- DiodeIdealModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- DiodeModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- DiodeModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- DiodeModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- duplListCheck
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT duplListCheck</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>list</span>
Checks if list contains duplicates. ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility - duplListCheckRet
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT duplListCheckRet</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>list</span>
Checks if list contains duplicates and return value of first duplicate. ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility - E ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- E ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- E ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- E ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- EmptyTrace ::SpiceGenTcl
- exp ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- exp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- F ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- F ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- F ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- F ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- forgetCommon
<span class='ruff_cmd'>forgetCommon</span>
Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands from caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - forgetLtspice
<span class='ruff_cmd'>forgetLtspice</span>
Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands from caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - forgetNgspice
<span class='ruff_cmd'>forgetNgspice</span>
Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands from caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - forgetXyce
<span class='ruff_cmd'>forgetXyce</span>
Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands from caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - G ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- G ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- G ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- G ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- GenS ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates analysis for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates circuit string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates comment string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Comment - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates device string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates global statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Global - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates ic statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates include string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Include - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates library string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Library - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates model string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates netlist string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates nodeset statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Nodeset - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates options string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNode - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNodeEquation - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. Results: SPICE netlist's string ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates parameter statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Pin - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates raw string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::RawString - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates save statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Save - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Declaration of method common for all SPICE elements that generates representation of element in SPICE netlist. Not implemented in abstraction class. ::SpiceGenTcl::SPICEElement - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates subcircuit string for SPICE subcircuit. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Creates .temp statement string for SPICE netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Temp - genSPICEString
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT genSPICEString</span>
Modify substrate pin string in order to complain square brackets enclosure, see BJT info in reference manual of Xyce ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt - GenSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- getAllElemNames
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getAllElemNames</span>
Gets names of all elements in netlist. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - getCurrentsNames
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getCurrentsNames</span>
Returns list that contains names of all current variables ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getDataCsv
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getDataCsv</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?</span>
Returns string with csv formatting containing all data ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - getDataDict
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getDataDict</span>
Method to get dictionary with raw data vectors. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - getDataPoints
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getDataPoints</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset - getDataPoints
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getDataPoints</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace - getElement
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getElement</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>elemName</span>
Gets particular element object reference by its name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist - getLog
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getLog</span>
Returns log file of completed simulations. ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - getParams
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getParams</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - getPins
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getPins</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - getPins
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getPins</span>
Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - getStr
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getStr</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset - getTrace
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getTrace</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>traceName</span>
Returns trace object reference by it's name ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getTracesCsv
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getTracesCsv</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?</span>
Returns string with csv formatting containing all data ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getTracesData
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getTracesData</span>
Returns dictionary that contains all data in value and name as a key ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getTracesStr
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getTracesStr</span>
Returns information about all Traces in raw file in form of string ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getVariablesNames
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getVariablesNames</span>
Returns list that contains names of all variables ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - getVectors
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getVectors</span>
Gets the dictionary of vector names ::SpiceGenTcl::Save - getVoltagesNames
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT getVoltagesNames</span>
Returns list that contains names of all voltage variables ::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile - Global ::SpiceGenTcl
- H ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- H ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- H ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- H ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Iac ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Iac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Iac ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Iac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Iam ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Ic ::SpiceGenTcl
- Idc ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Idc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Idc ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Idc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Iexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Iexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Iexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Iexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- importCommon
<span class='ruff_cmd'>importCommon</span>
Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands to caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - importLtspice
<span class='ruff_cmd'>importLtspice</span>
Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands to caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - importNgspice
<span class='ruff_cmd'>importNgspice</span>
Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands to caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - importXyce
<span class='ruff_cmd'>importXyce</span>
Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands to caller namespace ::SpiceGenTcl - Include ::SpiceGenTcl
- Inductor ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- Inductor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Inductor ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- Inductor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Ipulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Ipulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Ipulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Ipulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Ipwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Ipwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Ipwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Ipwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Isffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Isffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Isffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Isffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Isin ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Isin ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Isin ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Isin ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- J ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- J ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- J ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet1Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet1Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet2Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Jfet2Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- JfetModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- K ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- L ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- L ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- L ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- L ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Library ::SpiceGenTcl
- LModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- LModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- M ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- M ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- M ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Mesfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Mesfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Mesfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Mesfet1Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Mesfet1Model ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- MesfetModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Model ::SpiceGenTcl
- Mosfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Mosfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Mosfet ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- N ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Netlist ::SpiceGenTcl
- NgspiceParser ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice
- Nodeset ::SpiceGenTcl
- Op ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses
- Op ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- Op ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses
- Op ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses
- Options ::SpiceGenTcl
- OptionsNgspice ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc
- Parameter ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterDefault ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterEquation ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterNoCheck ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterNode ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterNodeEquation ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterPositional ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterPositionalEquation ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterPositionalNoCheck ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParameterVector ::SpiceGenTcl
- ParamStatement ::SpiceGenTcl
- Parser ::SpiceGenTcl
- Pin ::SpiceGenTcl
- pulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- pulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- pulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- pwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- pwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Q ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Q ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Q ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices
- R ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- R ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- R ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- R ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- RawFile ::SpiceGenTcl
- RawString ::SpiceGenTcl
- readAndParse
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readAndParse</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?args?</span>
Calls methodsreadFile
in a sequence ::SpiceGenTcl::Parser - readComplex
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readComplex</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Reads two 8 byte numbers from file. ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - readData
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readData</span>
Reads raw data file of last simulation. ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator - readData
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readData</span>
Reads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::Batch - readData
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readData</span>
Reads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators::Batch - readData
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readData</span>
Reads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch - readFile
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readFile</span>
::SpiceGenTcl::Parser - readFile
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readFile</span>
Reads netlist file and prepare for parsing: remove redundant white space characters, collapse continuation lines and remove comments lines ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser - readFloat32
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readFloat32</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Reads 4 bytes number from file. ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - readFloat64
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readFloat64</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Reads 8 bytes number from file . ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - readLog
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readLog</span>
Reads log file of completed simulations. ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator - readLog
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readLog</span>
Reads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::Batch - readLog
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readLog</span>
Reads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators::Batch - readLog
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT readLog</span>
Reads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch - resetValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT resetValue</span>
Resets value of the parameter to it's default value. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterDefault - Resistor ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- Resistor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Resistor ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- Resistor ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- RModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- RModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- run
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT run</span>
Runs simulation. ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator - runAndRead
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT runAndRead</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>?-nodelete?</span>
Invokes 'runAndRead', 'configure -log' and 'configure -data' methods from attached simulator. ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit - runAndRead
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT runAndRead</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>circuitStr ?-nodelete?</span>
Runs netlist circuit file. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::Batch - runAndRead
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT runAndRead</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>circuitStr ?-nodelete?</span>
Runs netlist circuit file. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::BatchLiveLog - runAndRead
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT runAndRead</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>circuitStr ?-nodelete?</span>
Runs netlist circuit file. ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators::Batch - runAndRead
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT runAndRead</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>circuitStr ?-nodelete?</span>
Runs netlist circuit file. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch - S ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Save ::SpiceGenTcl
- Sens ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses
- SensAc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- SensDc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- setDataPoints
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setDataPoints</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>dataPoints</span>
method to set the data points ::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Ic - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Model - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Options - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement - setParamValue
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setParamValue</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>name value ?name value ...?</span>
Sets (or change) value of particular parameters. ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit - setPinNodeName
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT setPinNodeName</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>pinName nodeName</span>
Sets node name of particular pin, so, in other words, connect particular pin to particular node. ::SpiceGenTcl::Device - sffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- sffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- sffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Simulator ::SpiceGenTcl
- sin ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- sin ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- skip4bytes
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT skip4bytes</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Moves pointer of position in file forward in 4 bytes. ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - skip8bytes
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT skip8bytes</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Moves pointer of position in file forward in 8 bytes. ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - skip16bytes
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT skip16bytes</span> <span class='ruff_arg'>file</span>
Moves pointer of position in file forward in 16 bytes. ::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader - Sp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- SPICEElement ::SpiceGenTcl
- Subcircuit ::SpiceGenTcl
- SubcircuitInstance ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstance ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstance ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstance ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstanceAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstanceAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstanceAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- SubcircuitInstanceAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Temp ::SpiceGenTcl
- Trace ::SpiceGenTcl
- Tran ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses
- Tran ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses
- Tran ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses
- Tran ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses
- unsetNodeName
<span class='ruff_cmd'>OBJECT unsetNodeName</span>
Makes pin floating by settingnodename
with empty string. ::SpiceGenTcl::Pin - Utility ::SpiceGenTcl
- Vac ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vac ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vac ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vam ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vccs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vcvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vcvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vcvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vcvs ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vdc ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vdc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vdc ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vdc ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- VerilogA ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- Vexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vexp ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vport ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vpulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vpulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vpulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vpulse ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vpwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vpwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vpwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vpwl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vsffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vsffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vsffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vsffm ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- Vsin ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources
- Vsin ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources
- Vsin ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources
- Vsin ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources
- VSw ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- VSw ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- VSw ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- VSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- VSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- VSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- VSwitch ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- VSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- VSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- VSwitchModel ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- W ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- W ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- W ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- W ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- X ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- X ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- X ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- X ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- XAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices
- XAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices
- XAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices
- XAuto ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices
- Z ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices
- Z ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices
- Z ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices