ParserTop, Main, Index
This section provides examples of netlist parser usage, Ngspice netlists in particular.
- Simple netlist parsing - "examples/ngspice/parse.tcl" file
- Parse of large circuit - "examples/ngspice/transient/c432_test_with_parsing.tcl" file
- Parse of nested subcircuits
Simple netlist parsingTop, Main, Index
Let's start with simple example of differential pair netlist that we used in tutorial section:
simple differential pair - CM and DM dc sensitivity * Models: .model qnl npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 tf=0.3n tr=6n cje=3p cjc=2p vaf=50) .model qnr npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 tf=0.3n tr=6n cje=3p cjc=2p vaf=50) .options noacct * Circuit description: q1 4 2 6 qnr q2 5 3 6 qnl rs1 11 2 1k rs2 3 1 1k rc1 4 8 10k rc2 5 8 10k q3 7 7 9 qnl q4 6 7 9 qnr rbias 7 8 20k * Inputs/Supplies: vcm 1 0 dc 0 sin(0 0.1 5meg) ac 1 vdm 1 11 dc 0 sin(0 0.1 5meg) ac 1 vcc 8 0 12 vee 9 0 -12 * Analysys: .sens v(5,4)
This netlist doesn't contains subcircuits or unknown models, but contains various elements: independent sources, resistors, bipolar transistors, .model
and .sens
We create parser for Ngspice netlist with command ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser:
set netlistsLoc [file dirname [info script]] set parser [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser new parser1 [file join $netlistsLoc diffpair.cir]]
After that, we use method ::SpiceGenTcl::Parser::readAndParse to read circuit file and parse it content. As a result, method returns ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object that contains all parsed elements objects:
set netlist [$parser readAndParse]
We can get SPICE string representation of this netlist:
puts [$netlist genSPICEString]
The result is:
.model qnl npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 tf=0.3n tr=6n cje=3p cjc=2p vaf=50) .model qnr npn(level=1 bf=80 rb=100 tf=0.3n tr=6n cje=3p cjc=2p vaf=50) .options noacct q1 4 2 6 qnr q2 5 3 6 qnl rs1 11 2 1k rs2 3 1 1k rc1 4 8 10k rc2 5 8 10k q3 7 7 9 qnl q4 6 7 9 qnr rbias 7 8 20k vcm 1 0 dc 0 ac 1 sin 0 0.1 5meg vdm 1 11 dc 0 ac 1 sin 0 0.1 5meg vcc 8 0 12 vee 9 0 -12 .sens v(5,4)
Object of class ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser has definitions
property that contains ready for evaluation list of commands to create elements objects parsed from the file:
puts [join [$parser configure -definitions] "\n"]
Result is:
::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel new qnl npn -bf 80 -rb 100 -tf 0.3n -tr 6n -cje 3p -cjc 2p -vaf 50 ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel new qnr npn -bf 80 -rb 100 -tf 0.3n -tr 6n -cje 3p -cjc 2p -vaf 50 ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice new -noacct ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Q new 1 4 2 6 -model qnr ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Q new 2 5 3 6 -model qnl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new s1 11 2 -r 1k ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new s2 3 1 -r 1k ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new c1 4 8 -r 10k ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new c2 5 8 -r 10k ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Q new 3 7 7 9 -model qnl ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Q new 4 6 7 9 -model qnr ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new bias 7 8 -r 20k ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vsin new cm 1 0 -dc 0 -ac 1 -v0 0 -va 0.1 -freq 5meg ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vsin new dm 1 11 -dc 0 -ac 1 -v0 0 -va 0.1 -freq 5meg ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vdc new cc 8 0 -dc 12 ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vdc new ee 9 0 -dc -12 ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensDc new -outvar v(5,4)
We can use this result directly in SpiceGenTcl, or modify it before that. If we don't want adding element to netlist object and evaluate models and subcircuits classes, we can call ::SpiceGenTcl::Parser::readAndParse command with switch -noeval
, and in that case it returns the content of definitions
parser's property:
puts [join [$parser readAndParse -noeval] "\n"]
After that we will get the same results we've got in previous run by accessing definitions
Then, we can attach that netlist to the ::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit class object and run the simulation:
set circuit [Circuit new {diffpair}] set simulator [BatchLiveLog new {batch1}] $circuit add $netlist $circuit configure -simulator $simulator $circuit runAndRead set data [$circuit getDataDict] set vrc1 [dget $data v(rc1)] set vrc2 [dget $data v(rc2)] puts [format "vrc1=%.3e vrc2=%.3e" $vrc1 $vrc2]
Result is:
vrc1=6.032e-04 vrc2=-6.032e-04
We don’t need to manually translate the circuit into Tcl code; this can be done automatically using the parser. It might not seem like a major task, but it becomes cumbersome when dealing with multiple large netlists, as shown in the following example.
Parse of large circuitTop, Main, Index
This example represents a circuit with 430 lines. It is part of the ISCAS85 testbench for SPICE simulators and contains subcircuits that implement logical cells using transistors from the library.
Read and build circuit with parser:
set parser [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::NgspiceParser new parser1 [file join $currentDir]] set netlist [$parser readAndParse]
Subcircuit definitions are wrapped as new classes, with the ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit class as the superclass, and are evaluated in the caller's scope. For example, the nor2
subcircuit is represented by the class Nor2
oo::class create Nor2 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::M new 01 vdd a 01 -model pmos -n4 vdd -l 0.12u -w 1.54u -as 0.4081p -ad 0.4081p -ps 3.61u -pd 3.61u] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::M new 02 vss a z -model nmos -n4 vss -l 0.12u -w 0.44u -as 0.1166p -ad 0.1166p -ps 1.41u -pd 1.41u] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::M new 03 01 b z -model pmos -n4 vdd -l 0.12u -w 1.54u -as 0.4081p -ad 0.4081p -ps 3.61u -pd 3.61u] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::M new 04 z b vss -model nmos -n4 vss -l 0.12u -w 0.44u -as 0.1166p -ad 0.1166p -ps 1.41u -pd 1.41u] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::C new 4 a vss -c 0.341f] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::C new 3 b vss -c 0.433f] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::C new 2 z vss -c 0.677f] set pins {a b vdd vss z} set params {} next nor2 $pins $params } }
It is now availible in caller's scope as Nor2
command, so parser creates new object of that class and add it to netlist object:
Nor2 new
After that, we can create circuit, run it and read waveform results:
set circuit [Circuit new {c432_test}] set simulator [BatchLiveLog new {batch1}] $circuit add $netlist $circuit configure -simulator $simulator $circuit runAndRead set data [$circuit getDataDict] set time [dget $data time] foreach time [dget $data time] vg429 [dget $data v(g429)] vg430 [dget $data v(g430)] { lappend timeVg429 [list $time $vg429] lappend timeVg430 [list $time $vg430] }
Make plot with ticklecharts
set chartVout [ticklecharts::chart new] $chartVout Xaxis -name "time, s" -minorTick {show "True"} -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartVout Yaxis -name "g429 voltage, V" -minorTick {show "True"} -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartVout SetOptions -title {} -tooltip {trigger "axis"} -animation "False" -toolbox {feature {dataZoom {yAxisIndex "none"}}} -backgroundColor "#212121" $chartVout Add "lineSeries" -data $timeVg429 -showAllSymbol "nothing" -symbolSize "0" set chartImeas [ticklecharts::chart new] $chartImeas Xaxis -name "time, s" -minorTick {show "True"} -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartImeas Yaxis -name "g430 voltage, V" -minorTick {show "True"} -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartImeas SetOptions -title {} -tooltip {trigger "axis"} -animation "False" -toolbox {feature {dataZoom {yAxisIndex "none"}}} -backgroundColor "#212121" $chartImeas Add "lineSeries" -data $timeVg430 -showAllSymbol "nothing" -symbolSize "0" # create multiplot set layout [ticklecharts::Gridlayout new] $layout Add $chartVout -bottom "5%" -height "40%" -width "80%" $layout Add $chartImeas -bottom "55%" -height "40%" -width "80%" set fbasename [file rootname [file tail [info script]]] $layout Render -outfile [file normalize [file join .. html_charts $fbasename.html]] -height 800px
Parse of nested subcircuitsTop, Main, Index
Nested subcircuits definitions are also supported by the parser. For example, we can use that artificial example of nested subcircuit to demonstrate how it works:
.subckt top in out r1 in a r=10 .subckt middle1 in out r2 in b r=20 .subckt inner1 in out r3 in c r=30 .subckt innerInner1 in out r4 in c r=30 .ends innerInner1 .ends inner1 r5 b out r=40 .ends middle1 .subckt middle2 in out r6 in d r=50 .model res3mod r3(tc1=1 tc2=2) .subckt inner2 in out r7 in e r=60 .ends inner2 .subckt inner1 in out r8 in e r=60 .ends inner1 r9 d out r=70 .ends middle2 r10 a out r=80 .ends top
Parser creates next definitions:
oo::class create Top { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { oo::class create Middle1 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { oo::class create Inner1 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { oo::class create Innerinner1 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 4 in c -r 30 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next innerinner1 $pins $params } } my add [Innerinner1 new] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 3 in c -r 30 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next inner1 $pins $params } } my add [Inner1 new] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 2 in b -r 20 -beh] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 5 b out -r 40 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next middle1 $pins $params } } my add [Middle1 new] oo::class create Middle2 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { oo::class create Inner2 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 7 in e -r 60 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next inner2 $pins $params } } my add [Inner2 new] oo::class create Inner1 { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 8 in e -r 60 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next inner1 $pins $params } } my add [Inner1 new] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 6 in d -r 50 -beh] oo::class create R3Model { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Model constructor {name args} { set paramsNames [list tc1 tc2] next $name R3Model [my argsPreprocess $paramsNames {*}$args] } } my add [R3Model new res3mod -tc1 1 -tc2 2] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 9 d out -r 70 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next middle2 $pins $params } } my add [Middle2 new] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 1 in a -r 10 -beh] my add [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::R new 10 a out -r 80 -beh] set pins {in out} set params {} next top $pins $params } } Top new
You can see that class definitions are created inside the constructors of the parent subcircuit definition class, making them local to the namespace of that subcircuit class object. Despite the clearly artificial nature of this example, it demonstrates the parser's capability and the logic of parsing nested subcircuits.
Additionally, because the model r3 is unknown to the SpiceGenTcl parser, a new model class is created during parsing within the constructor of the parent subcircuit definition class.