Tcl SpiceGenTcl package (v0.66)

::SpiceGenTclTop, Main, Index

CommandsTop, Main, Index

forgetCommon [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands from caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::forgetCommon {} {

    # Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands from caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Common] {
        namespace forget ${nameSpc}::*

forgetLtspice [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands from caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::forgetLtspice {} {

    # Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands from caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice] {
        namespace forget ${nameSpc}::*

forgetNgspice [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands from caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::forgetNgspice {} {

    # Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands from caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice] {
        namespace forget ${nameSpc}::*

forgetXyce [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands from caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::forgetXyce {} {

    # Forgets all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands from caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce] {
        namespace forget ${nameSpc}::*

importCommon [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands to caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::importCommon {} {

    # Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Common commands to caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Common] {
        namespace import ${nameSpc}::*

importLtspice [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands to caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::importLtspice {} {

    # Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice commands to caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice] {
        namespace import ${nameSpc}::*

importNgspice [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands to caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::importNgspice {} {

    # Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice commands to caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice] {
        namespace import ${nameSpc}::*

importXyce [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands to caller namespace

proc ::SpiceGenTcl::importXyce {} {

    # Imports all ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce commands to caller namespace
    uplevel 1 {foreach nameSpc [namespace children ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce] {
        namespace import ${nameSpc}::*

ClassesTop, Main, Index

Analysis [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamAdds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates analysis for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Sp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensAc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensDc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Sens

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Analysis.

OBJECT constructor type params ?-name value?
typeType of analysis, for example, tran, ac, dc, etc.
paramsList of instance parameters in form {{name value} {name -sw} {name Value -eq} {name Value -posnocheck} ...}
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class models analysis statement.

method constructor {type params args} {

    # Creates object of class `Analysis`.
    #  type - type of analysis, for example, tran, ac, dc, etc
    #  params - list of instance parameters in form
    #   `{{name value} {name -sw} {name Value -eq} {name Value -posnocheck} ...}`
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class models analysis statement.
    # Synopsis: type params ?-name value?
    my variable name
    set arguments [argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my configure -type $type
    # create Analysis objects
    foreach param $params {
        if {[llength $param]<2} {
            error "Value '$param' is not a valid value"
        } else {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
-eqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-nocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
-posParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional, optional, forbids other switches.
-poseqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-posnocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    #  -eq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -poseq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -posnocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -pos - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -nocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck], optional, forbids other switches
    # Synopsis: paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
    argparse {
        {-pos -key paramQual -value pos}
        {-eq -key paramQual -value eq}
        {-poseq -key paramQual -value poseq}
        {-posnocheck -key paramQual -value posnocheck}
        {-nocheck -key paramQual -value nocheck -default {}}
    # method adds new Parameter object to the list Params
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    # select parameter object according to parameter qualificator
    if {$value eq {-sw}} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch new $paramName]
    } else {
        ##nagelfar variable paramQual
        switch $paramQual {
            pos {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional new $paramName $value]
            eq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation new $paramName $value]
            poseq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation new $paramName $value]
            posnocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            nocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            default {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Creates analysis for SPICE netlist.

Return value

string SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates analysis for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: string SPICE netlist's string
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        return ".[my configure -type] [join [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]]"
    } else {
        return ".[my configure -type]"

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis]Analysis, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Axis [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
appendDataPointsSee Dataset.appendDataPoints
configureConfigure properties.
getDataPointsSee Dataset.getDataPoints
getStrSee Dataset.getStr
setDataPointsSee Dataset.setDataPoints

Readable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type

Writable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Axis]Axis, Top, Main, Index

initialize axis

Axis create OBJNAME name type len ?numType?
Axis new name type len ?numType?
nameName of the axis.
typeType of axis.
lenTotal number of points.
numTypeNumerical type of axis. Optional, default real.
method constructor {name type len {numType real}} {

    # initialize axis
    #  name - name of the axis
    #  type - type of axis
    #  len - total number of points
    #  numType - numerical type of axis
    next $name $type $len $numType

BinaryReader [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
configureConfigure properties.
readComplexReads two 8 byte numbers from file.
readFloat32Reads 4 bytes number from file.
readFloat64Reads 8 bytes number from file .
skip4bytesMoves pointer of position in file forward in 4 bytes.
skip8bytesMoves pointer of position in file forward in 8 bytes.
skip16bytesMoves pointer of position in file forward in 16 bytes.


readComplex [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Reads two 8 byte numbers from file.

OBJECT readComplex file
fileFile handler.
Return value

list of two values.

method readComplex {file} {

    # Reads two 8 byte numbers from file.
    #  file - file handler
    # Returns: list of two values.
    set s [read $file 16]
    binary scan $s dd re im
    return [list $re $im]

readFloat32 [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Reads 4 bytes number from file.

OBJECT readFloat32 file
fileFile handler.
Return value

value of number.

method readFloat32 {file} {

    # Reads 4 bytes number from file.
    #  file - file handler
    # Returns: value of number.
    set s [read $file 4]
    binary scan $s f num
    return $num

readFloat64 [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Reads 8 bytes number from file .

OBJECT readFloat64 file
fileFile handler.
Return value

value of number.

method readFloat64 {file} {

    # Reads 8 bytes number from file .
    #  file - file handler
    # Returns: value of number.
    set s [read $file 8]
    binary scan $s d num
    return $num

skip4bytes [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Moves pointer of position in file forward in 4 bytes.

OBJECT skip4bytes file
fileFile handler.
method skip4bytes {file} {

    # Moves pointer of position in file forward in 4 bytes.
    #  file - file handler
    read $file 4

skip8bytes [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Moves pointer of position in file forward in 8 bytes.

OBJECT skip8bytes file
fileFile handler.
method skip8bytes {file} {

    # Moves pointer of position in file forward in 8 bytes.
    #  file - file handler
    read $file 8

skip16bytes [::SpiceGenTcl::BinaryReader]BinaryReader, Top, Main, Index

Moves pointer of position in file forward in 16 bytes.

OBJECT skip16bytes file
fileFile handler.
method skip16bytes {file} {

    # Moves pointer of position in file forward in 16 bytes.
    #  file - file handler
    read $file 16

Circuit [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addAdds elements object to Circuit Elements dictionary.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
delDeletes elements from the circuit by its name.
detachSimulatorRemoves Simulator object reference from Circuit.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates circuit string for SPICE netlist.
getAllElemNamesSee Netlist.getAllElemNames
getDataCsvReturns string with csv formatting containing all data.
getDataDictMethod to get dictionary with raw data vectors.
getElementSee Netlist.getElement
runAndReadInvokes 'runAndRead', 'configure -log' and 'configure -data' methods from attached simulator.

Readable: -data, -log, -name, -simulator

Writable: -data, -log, -name, -simulator



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class CircuitNetlist.

Circuit create OBJNAME name
Circuit new name
nameName of the tol-level circuit.

Class implements a top level netlist which is run in SPICE. We should add ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator object reference to make it able to run simulation.

method constructor {name} {

    # Creates object of class `CircuitNetlist`.
    #  name - name of the tol-level circuit
    # Class implements a top level netlist which is run in SPICE. We should add [::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator]
    # object reference to make it able to run simulation.
    next $name

add [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Adds elements object to Circuit Elements dictionary.

OBJECT add ?args?
argsElements objects references.
method add {args} {

    # Adds elements object to Circuit `Elements` dictionary.
    #  args - elements objects references
    foreach arg $args {
        if {([info object class $arg {::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis}]) && ([info exists ContainAnalysis])} {
            return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' already contains Analysis element"
        } elseif {[info object class $arg {::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis}]} {
            set ContainAnalysis {}
        lappend elementsNamesList [string tolower [$arg configure -name]]
    if {[info exists Elements]} {
        lappend elementsNamesList {*}[my getAllElemNames]
    set dup [my duplListCheckRet $elementsNamesList]
    if {$dup ne {}} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' already contains element with name $dup"
    foreach arg $args {
        set elemName [$arg configure -name]
        dict append Elements $elemName $arg

del [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Deletes elements from the circuit by its name.

OBJECT del ?args?
argsName of element to delete.
method del {args} {

    # Deletes elements from the circuit by its name.
    #  args - name of element to delete
    if {![info exists Elements]} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' doesn't have attached elements"
    foreach arg $args {
        set elemName [string tolower $arg]
        if {[catch {dget $Elements $elemName}]} {
            return -code error "Element with name '$elemName' was not found in circuit's '[my configure -name]' list of elements"
        } else {
            if {[info object class [dget $Elements $elemName] {::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis}]} {
                unset ContainAnalysis
            set Elements [dict remove $Elements $elemName]

detachSimulator [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Removes Simulator object reference from Circuit.

OBJECT detachSimulator
method detachSimulator {} {

    # Removes `Simulator` object reference from `Circuit`.
    unset simulator

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Creates circuit string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates circuit string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    lappend totalStr [my configure -name] {*}[lmap element [dict values $Elements] {$element genSPICEString}]
    return [join $totalStr \n]

getDataCsv [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Returns string with csv formatting containing all data

OBJECT getDataCsv ?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?
-allSelect all traces.
-sepSeparator of columns, default is comma.
-tracesSelect names of traces to return.
Return value

Returns string with csv formatting containing all data

method getDataCsv {args} {

    # Returns string with csv formatting containing all data
    #  -all - select all traces
    #  -traces - select names of traces to return
    #  -sep - separator of columns, default is comma
    # Synopsis: ?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?
    return [[my configure -data] getTracesCsv {*}$args]

getDataDict [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Method to get dictionary with raw data vectors.

OBJECT getDataDict
Return value

dict with vectors data, keys - names of vectors

method getDataDict {} {

    # Method to get dictionary with raw data vectors.
    # Returns: dict with vectors data, keys - names of vectors
    return [[my configure -data] getTracesData]

runAndRead [::SpiceGenTcl::Circuit]Circuit, Top, Main, Index

Invokes 'runAndRead', 'configure -log' and 'configure -data' methods from attached simulator.

OBJECT runAndRead ?-nodelete?
-nodeleteFlag to forbid simulation file deletion.
method runAndRead {args} {

    # Invokes 'runAndRead', 'configure -log' and 'configure -data' methods from attached simulator.
    #  -nodelete - flag to forbid simulation file deletion
    # Synopsis: ?-nodelete?
    set arguments [argparse {
    if {![info exists simulator]} {
        return -code error "Simulator is not attached to '[my configure -name]' circuit"
    if {[info exists nodelete]} {
        $simulator runAndRead [my genSPICEString] -nodelete
    } else {
        $simulator runAndRead [my genSPICEString]
    my configure -log [$simulator configure -log] -data [$simulator configure -data]

Comment [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates comment string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Comment]Comment, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Comment.

OBJECT constructor value ?-name value?
valueValue of the comment.
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent comment string, it can be a multiline comment.

method constructor {value args} {

    # Creates object of class `Comment`.
    #  value - value of the comment
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent comment string, it can be a multiline comment.
    # Synopsis: value ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my configure -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Comment]Comment, Top, Main, Index

Creates comment string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates comment string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    set splitted [split [my configure -value] "\n"]
    set prepared [join [lmap line $splitted {set result "*$line"}] \n]
    return $prepared

Dataset [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
appendDataPointsMethod to set the data points.
configureConfigure properties.
getDataPointsNot documented.
getStrNot documented.
setDataPointsMethod to set the data points.

Readable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type

Writable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type


Axis, Trace, EmptyTrace

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset]Dataset, Top, Main, Index

initialize dataset

Dataset create OBJNAME name type len ?numType?
Dataset new name type len ?numType?
nameName of the dataset.
typeType of dataset.
lenTotal number of points.
numTypeNumerical type of dataset. Optional, default real.
method constructor {name type len {numType real}} {

    # initialize dataset
    #  name - name of the dataset
    #  type - type of dataset
    #  len - total number of points
    #  numType - numerical type of dataset
    my configure -name $name -type $type -len $len -numtype $numType

appendDataPoints [::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset]Dataset, Top, Main, Index

method to set the data points

OBJECT appendDataPoints dataPoint
dataPointNot documented.
method appendDataPoints {dataPoint} {

    # method to set the data points
    lappend DataPoints $dataPoint

getDataPoints [::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset]Dataset, Top, Main, Index

OBJECT getDataPoints
method getDataPoints {} {

    if {[info exists DataPoints]} {
        return $DataPoints
    } else {
        return -code error "Dataset with name '[my configure -name]' doesn't contain non-zero points"

getStr [::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset]Dataset, Top, Main, Index

method getStr {} {

    return "Name: '[my configure -name]', Type: '[my configure -type]', Length: '[my configure -len]', Numerical type: '[my configure -numtype]'"

setDataPoints [::SpiceGenTcl::Dataset]Dataset, Top, Main, Index

method to set the data points

OBJECT setDataPoints dataPoints
dataPointsNot documented.
method setDataPoints {dataPoints} {

    # method to set the data points
    set DataPoints $dataPoints

Device [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamAdds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
checkFloatingPinsCheck if some pin device doesn't have connected nodes and return list of them.
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates device string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
getPinsGets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.
setPinNodeNameSets node name of particular pin, so, in other words, connect particular pin to particular node.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name






::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Resistor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Capacitor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::Inductor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::VSwitch, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::CSwitch, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sin, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::exp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::pwl, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sffm, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vccs, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Vcvs, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Cccs, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::Ccvs, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Resistor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Capacitor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Inductor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::Coupling, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::VerilogA, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::sffm, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::am, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::Vport, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::BehaviouralSource, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Diode, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Resistor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Capacitor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::Inductor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::GenSwitch, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Sources::BehaviouralSource, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Diode, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::Capacitor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::Inductor, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstance, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::SubcircuitInstanceAuto, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sin, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::exp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::pwl, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sffm, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::BehaviouralSource, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Diode, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Device.

Device create OBJNAME name pins params
Device new name pins params
nameName of the device.
pinsList of pins in the order they appear in SPICE device's definition together with connected node in form: {{Name0 NodeName} {Name1 NodeName} {Name2 NodeName} ...} Nodes string values could be empty.
paramsList of instance parameters in form {{Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} ...} Parameter list can be empty if device doesn't have instance parameters.

Class models general device in SPICE, number of which must be assembled (connected) to get the circuit to simulate. This class provides basic machinery for creating any device that can be connected to net in circuit. It can be instantiated to create device that contains:

  • reference name, like R1, L1, M1, etc;
  • list of pins in the order of appearence of device's definition, for example, 'drain gate source' for MOS transistor;
  • list of parameters, that could be positional (+equation), keyword (+equation) parameters, like R1 nm np 100 tc1=1 tc2={tc0*tc12}, where 100 - positional parameter, tc1 - keyword parameters and tc2 - keyword parameter with equation

This class accept definition that contains elements listed above, and generates classes: Pin, Parameter, PositionalParameter with compositional relationship (has a).

Each parameter definition could be modified by optional flags:

  • pos - parameter has strict position and only '$Value' is displayed in netlist
  • eq - parameter may contain equation in terms of functions and other parsmeters, printed as '$name={$equation}'
  • poseq - combination of both flags, print only '{$equation}'
method constructor {name pins params} {

    # Creates object of class `Device`.
    #  name - name of the device
    #  pins - list of pins in the order they appear in SPICE device's definition together
    #   with connected node in form: `{{Name0 NodeName} {Name1 NodeName} {Name2 NodeName} ...}`
    #   Nodes string values could be empty.
    #  params - list of instance parameters in form `{{Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?}
    #   {Name Value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} ...}` Parameter list can be empty if device doesn't have instance
    #   parameters.
    # Class models general device in SPICE, number of which
    # must be assembled (connected) to get the circuit to simulate. This class provides basic machinery
    # for creating any device that can be connected to net in circuit. It can be instantiated to create
    # device that contains:
    #  - reference name, like R1, L1, M1, etc;
    #  - list of pins in the order of appearence of device's definition, for example, 'drain gate source' for
    #     MOS transistor;
    #  - list of parameters, that could be positional (+equation), keyword (+equation) parameters, like
    #     `R1 nm np 100 tc1=1 tc2={tc0*tc12}`, where 100 - positional parameter, tc1 - keyword parameters and
    #     tc2 - keyword parameter with equation
    # This class accept definition that contains elements listed above, and generates classes: Pin, Parameter,
    # PositionalParameter with compositional relationship (has a).
    my configure -name $name
    # create Pins objects
    foreach pin $pins {
        my AddPin [@ $pin 0] [@ $pin 1]
    # Each parameter definition could be modified by
    #  optional flags:
    #  - pos - parameter has strict position and only '$Value' is displayed in netlist
    #  - eq - parameter may contain equation in terms of functions and other parsmeters,
    #    printed as '$name={$equation}'
    #  - poseq - combination of both flags, print only '{$equation}'
    if {$params ne {}} {
        foreach param $params {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
-eqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-nocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
-posParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional, optional, forbids other switches.
-poseqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-posnocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    #  -eq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -poseq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -posnocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -pos - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -nocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck], optional, forbids other switches
    # Synopsis: paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
    argparse {
        {-pos -key paramQual -value pos}
        {-eq -key paramQual -value eq}
        {-poseq -key paramQual -value poseq}
        {-posnocheck -key paramQual -value posnocheck}
        {-nocheck -key paramQual -value nocheck -default {}}
    # method adds new Parameter object to the list Params
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    # select parameter object according to parameter qualificator
    if {$value eq {-sw}} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch new $paramName]
    } else {
        ##nagelfar variable paramQual
        switch $paramQual {
            pos {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional new $paramName $value]
            eq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation new $paramName $value]
            poseq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation new $paramName $value]
            posnocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            nocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            default {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter new $paramName $value]

checkFloatingPins [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Check if some pin device doesn't have connected nodes and return list of them.

OBJECT checkFloatingPins
Return value

list of floating pins

method checkFloatingPins {} {

    # Check if some pin device doesn't have connected nodes and return list of them.
    # Returns: list of floating pins
    set floatingPins {}
    dict for {pinName pin} $Pins {
        if {[$pin checkFloating]} {
            lappend floatingPins [$pin configure -name]
    return $floatingPins

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Creates device string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates device string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    if {[info exists Pins]} {
        dict for {pinName pin} $Pins {
            if {![catch {$pin genSPICEString}]} {
                lappend nodes [$pin genSPICEString]
            } else {
                return -code error "Device '[my configure -name]' can't be netlisted because '$pinName' pin is floating"
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set params [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]
        if {[info exists Pins]} {
            return "[my configure -name] [join $nodes] [join $params]"
        } else {
            return "[my configure -name] [join $params]"
    } else {
        if {[info exists Pins]} {
            return "[my configure -name] [join $nodes]"
        } else {
            return [my configure -name]

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

getPins [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values.

OBJECT getPins
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getPins {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and
    #  connected node name as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {pinName pin} $Pins {$pin configure -nodename}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

setPinNodeName [::SpiceGenTcl::Device]Device, Top, Main, Index

Sets node name of particular pin, so, in other words, connect particular pin to particular node.

OBJECT setPinNodeName pinName nodeName
pinNameName of the pin.
nodeNameName of the node that we want connect to pin.
method setPinNodeName {pinName nodeName} {

    # Sets node name of particular pin, so,
    #  in other words, connect particular pin to particular node.
    #  pinName - name of the pin
    #  nodeName - name of the node that we want connect to pin
    if {[catch {dget $Pins $pinName}]} {
        return -code error "Pin with name '$pinName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of pins '[dict keys [my getPins]]'"
    } else {
        set pin [dget $Pins $pinName]
    $pin configure -nodename $nodeName

EmptyTrace [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
appendDataPointsSee Dataset.appendDataPoints
configureConfigure properties.
getDataPointsNot documented.
getStrSee Dataset.getStr
setDataPointsSee Dataset.setDataPoints

Readable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type

Writable: -len, -name, -numtype, -type



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace]EmptyTrace, Top, Main, Index

initialize dummy trace

EmptyTrace create OBJNAME name type len ?numType?
EmptyTrace new name type len ?numType?
nameName of the dummy trace.
typeType of dummy trace.
lenTotal number of points.
numTypeNumerical type of dummy trace. Optional, default real.
axisName of axis that is linked to dummy trace.
method constructor {name type len {numType real}} {

    # initialize dummy trace
    #  name - name of the dummy trace
    #  type - type of dummy trace
    #  len - total number of points
    #  axis - name of axis that is linked to dummy trace
    #  numType - numerical type of dummy trace
    next $name $type $len $numType

getDataPoints [::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace]EmptyTrace, Top, Main, Index

OBJECT getDataPoints
method getDataPoints {} {

    if {[info exists DataPoints]} {
        return {}

Global [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addNetsNot documented.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteNetNot documented.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates global statement string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Global]Global, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Global.

OBJECT constructor nets ?-name value?
netsNot documented.
-nameName of the library that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.
paramsList of nets in form {net0 net1 ...}

Class represent .global statement.

method constructor {nets args} {

    # Creates object of class `Global`.
    #  params - list of nets in form `{net0 net1 ...}`
    #  -name - name of the library that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent .global statement.
    # Synopsis: nets ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my addNets $nets

addNets [::SpiceGenTcl::Global]Global, Top, Main, Index

OBJECT addNets nets
netsNot documented.
method addNets {nets} {

    if {[info exists Nets]} {
        set netsList $Nets
    foreach net $nets {
        if {$net ne {}} {
            lappend netsList $net
            if {[my duplListCheck $netsList]} {
                error "Net with name '${net}' is already attached to the object '[my configure -name]'"
        } else {
            error {Net name couldn't be empty}
    set Nets $netsList

deleteNet [::SpiceGenTcl::Global]Global, Top, Main, Index

OBJECT deleteNet net
netNot documented.
method deleteNet {net} {

    set netsList $Nets
    if {[set index [lsearch -exact $netsList $net]] !=-1} {
        set netsList [lremove $netsList $index]
    } else {
        error "Global statement '${name}' doesn't have attached net with name '${net}'"
    set Nets $netsList

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Global]Global, Top, Main, Index

Creates global statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates global statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".global [join $Nets]"

Ic [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamAdds new Parameter object to the list Params.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates ic statement string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name







constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Ic.

OBJECT constructor params ?-name value?
paramsList of instance parameters in form {{name value} {name value} {name equation -eq} ...}
-nameName of the library that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent .ic statement.

method constructor {params args} {

    # Creates object of class `Ic`.
    #  params - list of instance parameters in form `{{name value} {name value} {name equation -eq} ...}`
    #  -name - name of the library that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent .ic statement.
    # Synopsis: params ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    foreach param $params {
        if {[llength $param]<2} {
            error "Value '$param' is not a valid value"
        } else {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Adds new Parameter object to the list Params.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?-eq?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
-eqOptional parameter qualificator.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Adds new Parameter object to the list Params.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    #  -eq - optional parameter qualificator
    # Synopsis: paramName value ?-eq?
    argparse {
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    if {[info exists eq]} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNodeEquation new $paramName $value]
    } else {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNode new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Creates ic statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates ic statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".ic [join [join [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]]]"

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Ic]Ic, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Include [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates include string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Include]Include, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Include.

OBJECT constructor value ?-name value?
valueValue of the include path.
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

This class represent .include statement.

method constructor {value args} {

    # Creates object of class `Include`.
    #  value - value of the include path
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # This class represent .include statement.
    # Synopsis: value ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my configure -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Include]Include, Top, Main, Index

Creates include string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates include string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".include [my configure -value]"

Library [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates library string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -libvalue, -name, -value

Writable: -libvalue, -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Library]Library, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Library.

OBJECT constructor value libValue ?-name value?
valueValue of the include file.
libValueValue of selected library.
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent .lib statement.

method constructor {value libValue args} {

    # Creates object of class `Library`.
    #  value - value of the include file
    #  libValue - value of selected library
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent .lib statement.
    # Synopsis: value libValue ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my configure -value $value -libvalue $libValue

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Library]Library, Top, Main, Index

Creates library string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates library string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".lib [my configure -value] [my configure -libvalue]"

Model [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamAdds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates model string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::RModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::CModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::LModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet1Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet2Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet1Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::RModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::CModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::LModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet1Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet2Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet1Model, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::VSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::BasicDevices::CSwitchModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::DiodeIdealModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::BjtGPModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::JfetModel, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SemiconductorDevices::MesfetModel

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Model.

Model create OBJNAME name type params
Model new name type params
nameName of the model.
typeType of model, for example, diode, npn, etc.
paramsNot documented.
instParamsList of instance parameters in form {{name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} ...}

Class represents model card in SPICE netlist.

method constructor {name type params} {

    # Creates object of class `Model`.
    #  name - name of the model
    #  type - type of model, for example, diode, npn, etc
    #  instParams - list of instance parameters in form `{{name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?}
    #   {name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} {name value ?-pos|eq|poseq?} ...}`
    # Class represents model card in SPICE netlist.
    my configure -name $name -type $type
    # create Params objects
    if {$params ne {}} {
        foreach param $params {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
-eqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-nocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
-posParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional, optional, forbids other switches.
-poseqParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation, optional, forbids other switches.
-posnocheckParameter is of class ::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck, optional, forbids other switches.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Adds new parameter to device, and throws error on dublicated names.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    #  -eq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -poseq - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -posnocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck], optional, forbids other
    #    switches
    #  -pos - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional], optional, forbids other switches
    #  -nocheck - parameter is of class [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck], optional, forbids other switches
    # Synopsis: paramName value ?-name value? ?-eq|-poseq|-posnocheck|-pos|-nocheck?
    argparse {
        {-pos -key paramQual -value pos}
        {-eq -key paramQual -value eq}
        {-poseq -key paramQual -value poseq}
        {-posnocheck -key paramQual -value posnocheck}
        {-nocheck -key paramQual -value nocheck -default {}}
    # method adds new Parameter object to the list Params
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    # select parameter object according to parameter qualificator
    if {$value eq {-sw}} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch new $paramName]
    } else {
        ##nagelfar variable paramQual
        switch $paramQual {
            pos {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional new $paramName $value]
            eq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation new $paramName $value]
            poseq {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation new $paramName $value]
            posnocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            nocheck {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck new $paramName $value]
            default {
                dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Creates model string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates model string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    if {![info exists Params]} {
        lappend params {}
        return ".model [my configure -name] [my configure -type]"
    } else {
        set params [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]
        return ".model [my configure -name] [my configure -type]([join $params])"

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Model]Model, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Netlist [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addAdds elements objects to Elements dictionary.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
delDeletes elements from the netlist by its name.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates netlist string for SPICE netlist.
getAllElemNamesGets names of all elements in netlist.
getElementGets particular element object reference by its name.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name






Circuit, Subcircuit

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Netlist.

Netlist create OBJNAME name
Netlist new name
nameName of the netlist.

Class implements netlist as a collection of SPICE elements. Any element that has SPICEElement as a parent class can be added to Netlist, except Options and Analysis.

method constructor {name} {

    # Creates object of class `Netlist`.
    #  name - name of the netlist
    # Class implements netlist as a collection of SPICE elements. Any element that has SPICEElement
    # as a parent class can be added to Netlist, except Options and Analysis.
    my configure -name $name

add [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Adds elements objects to Elements dictionary.

OBJECT add ?args?
argsElements objects references.
method add {args} {

    # Adds elements objects to Elements dictionary.
    #  args - elements objects references
    foreach arg $args {
        lappend elementsNamesList [string tolower [$arg configure -name]]
    if {[info exists Elements]} {
        lappend elementsNamesList {*}[my getAllElemNames]
    set dup [my duplListCheckRet $elementsNamesList]
    if {$dup ne {}} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' already contains element with name $dup"
    foreach arg $args {
        set elemName [$arg configure -name]
        dict append Elements $elemName $arg

del [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Deletes elements from the netlist by its name.

OBJECT del ?args?
argsNames of elements to delete.
method del {args} {

    # Deletes elements from the netlist by its name.
    #  args - names of elements to delete
    if {![info exists Elements]} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' doesn't have attached elements"
    foreach arg $args {
        set elemName [string tolower $arg]
        if {[catch {dget $Elements $elemName}]} {
            return -code error "Element with name '$elemName' was not found in netlist's '[my configure -name]' list of elements"
        } else {
            set Elements [dict remove $Elements $elemName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Creates netlist string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates netlist string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    if {![info exists Elements]} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' doesn't have attached elements"
    return [join [lmap element [dict values $Elements] {$element genSPICEString}] \n]

getAllElemNames [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Gets names of all elements in netlist.

OBJECT getAllElemNames
Return value

list of elements names

method getAllElemNames {} {

    # Gets names of all elements in netlist.
    # Returns: list of elements names
    if {![info exists Elements]} {
        return -code error "Netlist '[my configure -name]' doesn't have attached elements"
    return [dict keys $Elements]

getElement [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist]Netlist, Top, Main, Index

Gets particular element object reference by its name.

OBJECT getElement elemName
elemNameName of element.
method getElement {elemName} {

    # Gets particular element object reference by its name.
    #  elemName - name of element
    set elemName [string tolower $elemName]
    if {[catch {dget $Elements $elemName}]} {
        return -code error "Element with name '$elemName' was not found in netlist's '[my configure -name]' list of elements"
    } else {
        set foundElem [dget $Elements $elemName]
    return $foundElem

Nodeset [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee Ic.addParam
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee Ic.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates nodeset statement string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsSee Ic.getParams
setParamValueSee Ic.setParamValue

Readable: -name

Writable: -name





genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Nodeset]Nodeset, Top, Main, Index

Creates nodeset statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates nodeset statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".nodeset [join [join [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]]]"

Options [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamCreates new parameter object and add it to the list Params.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates options string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name







constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Options.

OBJECT constructor params ?-name value?
paramsList of instance parameters in form {{name value ?-sw?} {name value ?-sw?} {name value ?-sw?} ...}
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

This class represent .options statement.

method constructor {params args} {

    # Creates object of class `Options`.
    #  params - list of instance parameters in form `{{name value ?-sw?} {name value ?-sw?}
    #   {name value ?-sw?} ...}`
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # This class represent .options statement.
    # Synopsis: params ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    foreach param $params {
        if {[llength $param]<2} {
            error "Value '$param' is not a valid value"
        } else {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Creates new parameter object and add it to the list Params.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?args?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter, could be equal to -sw, or with optional qualificator -eq.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Creates new parameter object and add it to the list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter, could be equal to -sw, or with optional qualificator -eq
    argparse {
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    if {$value eq {-sw}} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch new $paramName]
    } elseif {[info exists eq]} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation new $paramName $value]
    } else {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Creates options string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates options string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".options [join [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]]"

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {expr {[catch {$param configure -value}] ? {} : [$param configure -value]}}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Options]Options, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Parameter [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value




ParameterNode, ParameterNoCheck, ParameterPositional, ParameterDefault, ParameterEquation

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter]Parameter, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Parameter with parameter name and value.

Parameter create OBJNAME name value
Parameter new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.

Class models parameter that has a name and a value - the most common type of parameters in SPICE netlist. Its representation in netlist is 'name=value', and can be called "keyword parameter".

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `Parameter` with parameter name and value.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Class models parameter that has a name and a value - the most
    # common type of parameters in SPICE netlist. Its representation in netlist is
    # 'name=value', and can be called "keyword parameter".
    my configure -name $name -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter]Parameter, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return [my configure -name]=[my configure -value]

ParameterDefault [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringSee Parameter.genSPICEString
resetValueResets value of the parameter to it's default value.

Readable: -defvalue, -name, -value

Writable: -defvalue, -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterDefault]ParameterDefault, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterDefault with parameter name, value and default value.

ParameterDefault create OBJNAME name value defValue
ParameterDefault new name value defValue
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
defValueDefault value of the parameter.

Class models parameter that has a name and a value, but it differs from parent class in sense of having default value, so it has special ability to reset its value to default value by special method resetValue.

method constructor {name value defValue} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterDefault` with parameter name, value and default value.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    #  defValue - default value of the parameter
    # Class models parameter that has a name and a value, but it differs from
    # parent class in sense of having default value, so it has special ability to reset its value to default
    # value by special method `resetValue`.
    my configure -defvalue $defValue
    next $name $value

resetValue [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterDefault]ParameterDefault, Top, Main, Index

Resets value of the parameter to it's default value.

OBJECT resetValue
method resetValue {} {

    # Resets value of the parameter to it's default value.
    my configure -value [my configure -defvalue]

ParameterEquation [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation]ParameterEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterEquation with parameter name and value as an equation.

ParameterEquation create OBJNAME name value
ParameterEquation new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.

Class models parameter that has representation as an equation. Example: R={R1+R2}

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterEquation` with parameter name and value as an equation.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Class models parameter that has representation as an equation.
    # Example: R={R1+R2}
    next $name $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation]ParameterEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return [my configure -name]=\{[my configure -value]\}

ParameterNoCheck [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringSee Parameter.genSPICEString

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNoCheck]ParameterNoCheck, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterNoCheck with parameter name and value.

ParameterNoCheck create OBJNAME name value
ParameterNoCheck new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.

Class models parameter the same as described by Parameter but without check for value form.

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterNoCheck` with parameter name and value.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Class models parameter the same as described by `Parameter` but without check for value form.
    next $name $value

ParameterNode [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNode]ParameterNode, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterNode with parameter name and value.

ParameterNode create OBJNAME name value
ParameterNode new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterNode` with parameter name and value.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    my configure -name $name -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNode]ParameterNode, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return [my configure -name]=[my configure -value]

ParameterNodeEquation [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNodeEquation]ParameterNodeEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterNodeEquation with parameter name and value.

ParameterNodeEquation create OBJNAME name value
ParameterNodeEquation new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterNodeEquation` with parameter name and value.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    my configure -name $name -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterNodeEquation]ParameterNodeEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return "[my configure -name]=\{[my configure -value]\}"

ParameterPositional [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional]ParameterPositional, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterPositional with parameter name and value.

ParameterPositional create OBJNAME name value
ParameterPositional new name value
nameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.

Class models parameter that has a name and a value, but it differs from parent class in the sense of netlist representation: this parameter represents only by the value in the netlist. It's meaning for holding element is taken from it's position in the element's definition, for example, R1 np nm 100 tc1=1 tc2=0 - resistor with positional parameter R=100, you can't put it after parameters tc1 and tc2, it must be placed right after the pins definition.

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterPositional` with parameter name and value.
    #  name - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    # Class models parameter that has a name and a value, but it differs from
    # parent class in the sense of netlist representation: this parameter represents only
    # by the value in the netlist. It's meaning for holding element is taken from
    # it's position in the element's definition, for example, R1 np nm 100 tc1=1 tc2=0 - resistor
    # with positional parameter R=100, you can't put it after parameters tc1 and tc2, it must be placed
    # right after the pins definition.
    next $name $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositional]ParameterPositional, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return [my configure -value]

ParameterPositionalEquation [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation]ParameterPositionalEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterPositionalEquation with parameter name and value as an equation in positional form.

ParameterPositionalEquation create OBJNAME name value
ParameterPositionalEquation new name value
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.

Class models parameter that has representation as an equation, but in form of positional parameter. Example: {R1+R2}

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterPositionalEquation` with parameter name and value as an equation in
    # positional form.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Class models parameter that has representation as an equation, but in form of
    # positional parameter. Example: {R1+R2}
    next $name $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalEquation]ParameterPositionalEquation, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return \{[my configure -value]\}

ParameterPositionalNoCheck [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist. Results: SPICE netlist's string.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck]ParameterPositionalNoCheck, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterPositionalNoCheck.

ParameterPositionalNoCheck create OBJNAME name value
ParameterPositionalNoCheck new name value
nameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.

Class models parameter the same as described by ParameterPositional but without check for value form.

method constructor {name value} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterPositionalNoCheck`.
    #  name - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    # Class models parameter the same as described by `ParameterPositional` but without check for value form.
    next $name $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterPositionalNoCheck]ParameterPositionalNoCheck, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist. Results: SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Results: SPICE netlist's string
    return [my configure -value]

ParameterSwitch [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name




Parameter, ParameterVector

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch]ParameterSwitch, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParameterSwitch with parameter name.

ParameterSwitch create OBJNAME name
ParameterSwitch new name
nameName of the parameter.

Class models base parameter acting like a switch - its presence gives us information that something it controls is on. This parameter doesn't have a value, and it is the most basic class in Parameter class family.

method constructor {name} {

    # Creates object of class `ParameterSwitch` with parameter name.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    # Class models base parameter acting like a switch -
    # its presence gives us information that something it controls is on.
    # This parameter doesn't have a value, and it is the most basic class
    # in Parameter class family.
    my configure -name $name

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterSwitch]ParameterSwitch, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

string '$name'

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: string '$name'
    return [my configure -name]

ParameterVector [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringSee ParameterSwitch.genSPICEString

Readable: -name

Writable: -name



ParamStatement [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamAdds new Parameter object to the list Params.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates parameter statement string for SPICE netlist.
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParamStatement.

OBJECT constructor params ?-name value?
paramsList of instance parameters in form {{name value} {name value} {name equation -eq} ...}
-nameName of the library that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent .param statement.

method constructor {params args} {

    # Creates object of class `ParamStatement`.
    #  params - list of instance parameters in form `{{name value} {name value} {name equation -eq} ...}`
    #  -name - name of the library that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent .param statement.
    # Synopsis: params ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    foreach param $params {
        if {[llength $param]<2} {
            error "Value '$param' is not a valid value"
        } else {
            my addParam {*}$param

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Adds new Parameter object to the list Params.

OBJECT addParam paramName value ?-eq?
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
-eqOptional parameter qualificator.
method addParam {paramName value args} {

    # Adds new Parameter object to the list Params.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    #  -eq - optional parameter qualificator
    # Synopsis: paramName value ?-eq?
    argparse {
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    if {[info exists eq]} {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterEquation new $paramName $value]
    } else {
        dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Creates parameter statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates parameter statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".param [join [join [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]]]"

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::ParamStatement]ParamStatement, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Parser [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
buildTopNetlistBuilds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file. For unknowns to SpiceGenTcl models the new model class is created during the parsing and evaluated in a caller context. For each subcircuit (and nested subcircuits) the corresponding class is created and evaluated in a caller context.
configureConfigure properties.
readAndParseCalls methods readFile and buildTopNetlist in a sequence.
readFileNot documented.

Readable: -definitions, -filepath, -parsername, -topnetlist

Writable: -definitions, -filepath, -parsername, -topnetlist



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Parser that do parsing of valid simulator netlist.

Parser create OBJNAME name filepath
Parser new name filepath
nameName of the object.
filepathPath to file that should be parsed.
method constructor {name filepath} {

    # Creates object of class `Parser` that do parsing of valid simulator netlist.
    #   name - name of the object
    #   filepath - path to file that should be parsed
    my configure -parsername $name
    my configure -filepath $filepath
    my configure -topnetlist [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist new [file tail $filepath]]
    set ModelTemplate {oo::class create @type@ {
        superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Model
        constructor {name args} {
            set paramsNames [list @paramsList@]
            next $name @type@ [my argsPreprocess $paramsNames {*}$args]
    set SubcircuitTemplate {oo::class create @classname@ {
        superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit
        constructor {} {
            set pins @pins@
            set params @params@
            next @subname@ $pins $params

buildTopNetlist [::SpiceGenTcl::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index

Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file. For unknowns to SpiceGenTcl models the new model class is created during the parsing and evaluated in a caller context. For each subcircuit (and nested subcircuits) the corresponding class is created and evaluated in a caller context.

OBJECT buildTopNetlist ?args?
Return value

::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object with attached elements succesfully parsed in input netlist file.

method buildTopNetlist {args} {

    # Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file.
    # For unknowns to SpiceGenTcl models the new model class is created during the parsing and evaluated in
    # a caller context. For each subcircuit (and nested subcircuits) the corresponding class is created
    # and evaluated in a caller context.
    # Returns: [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object with attached elements succesfully parsed in input netlist file.
    argparse {
    if {![info exists FileData]} {
        error "Parser object '[my configure -parsername]' doesn't have prepared data"
    set allLines $FileData
    set topNetlist [my configure -topnetlist]
    my GetSubcircuitLines
    # parse found subcircuits definitions first
    if {[info exists SubcktsTree]} {
        set lines2remove {}
        $SubcktsTree walk / -order post -type bfs node {
            if {$node eq {/}} {
            my BuildSubcktFromDef $node
            if {[$SubcktsTree parent $node] eq {/}} {
                set definition [$SubcktsTree get $node definition]
                lappend definitions $definition
                if {![info exists noeval]} {
                    uplevel 1 $definition
                set definition [list [string totitle [file tail $node]] new]
                lappend definitions $definition
                if {![info exists noeval]} {
                    $topNetlist add [eval {*}$definition]
            set startLine [$SubcktsTree get $node startLine]
            set endLine [$SubcktsTree get $node endLine]
            set children [$SubcktsTree children $node]
            lappend lines2remove {*}[lseq $startLine $endLine]
        set allLines [lremove $allLines {*}$lines2remove]
    set topDefinitions [my BuildNetlist $allLines]
    lappend definitions {*}$topDefinitions
    if {![info exists noeval]} {
        foreach element $topDefinitions {
            # check the netlist string for presence of class definition
            if {$element eq {}} {
            if {[regexp {^oo::class\s+(\S+)} $element]} {
                uplevel 1 $element
            } else {
                $topNetlist add [eval $element]
    if {[info exists noeval]} {
        return $definitions
    } else {
        return $topNetlist

readAndParse [::SpiceGenTcl::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index

Calls methods readFile and buildTopNetlist in a sequence

OBJECT readAndParse ?args?
method readAndParse {args} {

    # Calls methods `readFile` and `buildTopNetlist` in a sequence
    my readFile
    return [my buildTopNetlist {*}$args]

readFile [::SpiceGenTcl::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index

OBJECT readFile
method readFile {} {

    error "Not implemented"

Pin [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
checkFloatingDetermines if pin is connected to the node.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates string for SPICE netlist.
unsetNodeNameMakes pin floating by setting nodename with empty string.

Readable: -name, -nodename

Writable: -name, -nodename



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Pin]Pin, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Pin with name and connected node

Pin create OBJNAME name nodeName
Pin new name nodeName
nameName of the pin.
nodeNameName of the node that connected to pin.

Class models electrical pin of device/subcircuit, it has name and name of the node connected to it. It has general interface method genSPICEString that returns name of the node connected to it, this method must be called only in method with the same name in other classes. We can check if pin is floating by checking the name of connected node in method checkFloating - if is contains empty string it is floating. Floating pin can't be netlisted, so it throws error when try to do so. Set pin name empty by special method unsetNodeName.

method constructor {name nodeName} {

    # Creates object of class `Pin` with name and connected node
    #  name - name of the pin
    #  nodeName - name of the node that connected to pin
    # Class models electrical pin of device/subcircuit,
    # it has name and name of the node connected to it.
    # It has general interface method `genSPICEString` that returns
    # name of the node connected to it, this method must be called only
    # in method with the same name in other classes. We can check if pin is
    # floating by checking the name of connected node in method `checkFloating` -
    # if is contains empty string it is floating.
    # Floating pin can't be netlisted, so it throws error when try to
    # do so. Set pin name empty by special method `unsetNodeName`.
    my configure -name $name -nodename $nodeName

checkFloating [::SpiceGenTcl::Pin]Pin, Top, Main, Index

Determines if pin is connected to the node.

OBJECT checkFloating
Return value

true if connected and false if not

method checkFloating {} {

    # Determines if pin is connected to the node.
    # Returns: `true` if connected and `false` if not
    if {[my configure -nodename] eq {}} {
        set floating true
    } else {
        set floating false
    return $floating

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Pin]Pin, Top, Main, Index

Creates string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    if {[my checkFloating]} {
        return -code error "Pin '[my configure -name]' is not connected to the node so can't be netlisted"
    return [my configure -nodename]

unsetNodeName [::SpiceGenTcl::Pin]Pin, Top, Main, Index

Makes pin floating by setting nodename with empty string.

OBJECT unsetNodeName
method unsetNodeName {} {

    # Makes pin floating by setting `nodename` with empty string.
    my configure -nodename {}

RawFile [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
getCurrentsNamesReturns list that contains names of all current variables.
getTraceReturns trace object reference by it's name.
getTracesCsvReturns string with csv formatting containing all data.
getTracesDataReturns dictionary that contains all data in value and name as a key.
getTracesStrReturns information about all Traces in raw file in form of string.
getVariablesNamesReturns list that contains names of all variables.
getVoltagesNamesReturns list that contains names of all voltage variables.
readComplexSee BinaryReader.readComplex
readFloat32See BinaryReader.readFloat32
readFloat64See BinaryReader.readFloat64
skip4bytesSee BinaryReader.skip4bytes
skip8bytesSee BinaryReader.skip8bytes
skip16bytesSee BinaryReader.skip16bytes

Readable: -axis, -npoints, -nvariables, -path, -rawparams, -traces

Writable: -axis, -npoints, -nvariables, -path, -rawparams, -traces



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Creates RawFile object.

RawFile create OBJNAME path ?traces2read? ?simulator?
RawFile new path ?traces2read? ?simulator?
pathPath to raw file including it's file name.
traces2readList of traces that will be readed, default value is *, that means reading all traces. Optional, default *.
simulatorSimulator that produced this raw file, default is ngspice. Optional, default ngspice.
method constructor {path {traces2read *} {simulator ngspice}} {

                # Creates RawFile object.
                #  path - path to raw file including it's file name
                #  traces2read - list of traces that will be readed, default value is \*,
                #   that means reading all traces
                #  simulator - simulator that produced this raw file, default is ngspice
                my configure -path $path
                set fileSize [file size $path]
                set file [open $path r]
                fconfigure $file -translation binary

    ####  read header

                set ch [read $file 6]
                if {[encoding convertfrom utf-8 $ch] eq {Title:}} {
                    set encSize 1
                    set encode utf-8
                    set line Title:
                } elseif {[encoding convertfrom utf-16le $ch] eq {Tit}} {
                    set encSize 2
                    set encode utf-16le
                    set line Tit
                } else {
                    close $file
                    error {Unknown encoding}
                my configure -rawparams [dcreate Filename $path]
                set header {}
                set binaryStart 6
                while true {
                    set ch [encoding convertfrom $encode [read $file $encSize]]
                    incr binaryStart $encSize
                    if {$ch eq "\n"} {
                        if {$encode eq {utf-8}} {
                            set line [string trimright $line "\r"]
                        lappend header $line
                        if {$line in {Binary: Values:}} {
                            set rawType $line
                        set line {}
                    } else {
                        append line $ch

    ####  save header parameters

                foreach line $header {
                    set lineList [split $line :]
                    if {[@ $lineList 0] eq {Variables}} {
                    dict append rawparams [@ $lineList 0] [string trim [@ $lineList 1]]
                my configure -npoints [dget [my configure -rawparams] {No. Points}] -nvariables [dget [my configure -rawparams] {No. Variables}]
                if {[dget [my configure -rawparams] Plotname] in {{Operating Point} {Transfet Function}}} {
                    set hasAxis 0
                } else {
                    set hasAxis 1
                set flags [split [dget [my configure -rawparams] Flags]]
                if {({complex} in $flags) || ([dget [my configure -rawparams] Plotname] eq {AC Analysis})} {
                    set numType complex
                } else {
                    if {({double} in $flags) || ($simulator eq {ngspice}) || ($simulator eq {xyce})} {
                        set numType double
                    } else {
                        set numType real

    ####  parse variables

                set i [lsearch $header Variables:]
                set ivar 0
                foreach line [lrange $header [+ $i 1] end-1] {
                    set lineList [split [string trim $line] \t]
                    lassign $lineList idx name varType
                    if {$ivar==0} {
                        if {$simulator eq {ltspice} && $name eq {time}} {
                            # workaround for bug with negative values in time axis
                            set axisIsTime true
                        if {$numType eq {real}} {
                            set axisNumType double
                        } else {
                            set axisNumType $numType
                        my configure -axis [::SpiceGenTcl::Axis new $name $varType $npoints $axisNumType]
                        set trace [my configure -axis]
                    } elseif {($traces2read eq {*}) || ($name in $traces2read)} {
                        if {$hasAxis} {
                            set trace [::SpiceGenTcl::Trace new $name $varType $npoints [[my configure -axis] configure -name] $numType]
                        } else {
                            set trace [::SpiceGenTcl::Trace new $name $varType $npoints {} $numType]
                    } else {
                        set trace [::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace new $name $varType $npoints $numType]
                    lappend traces $trace
                    incr ivar
                if {($traces2read eq {}) || ![llength $traces2read]} {
                    close $file

    ####  read data
                if {$rawType eq {Binary:}} {
                    set BlockSize [= {($fileSize - $binaryStart)/$npoints}]
                    set scanFunctions {}
                    set calcBlockSize 0
                    foreach trace [my configure -traces] {
                        if {[$trace configure -numtype] eq {double}} {
                            incr calcBlockSize 8
                            if {[info object class $trace ::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace]} {
                                set fun skip8bytes
                            } else {
                                set fun readFloat64
                        } elseif {[$trace configure -numtype] eq {complex}} {
                            incr calcBlockSize 16
                            if {[info object class $trace ::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace]} {
                                set fun skip16bytes
                            } else {
                                set fun readComplex
                        } elseif {[$trace configure -numtype] eq {real}} {
                            incr calcBlockSize 4
                            if {[info object class $trace ::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace]} {
                                set fun skip4bytes
                            } else {
                                set fun readFloat32
                        } else {
                            close $file
                            error "Invalid data type '[$trace configure -numtype]' for trace '[$trace configure -name]'"
                        lappend scanFunctions $fun
                    if {$calcBlockSize!=$BlockSize} {
                        close $file
                        error "Error in calculating the block size. Expected '${BlockSize}' bytes, but found '$calcBlockSize' bytes"
                     for {set i 0} {$i<$npoints} {incr i} {
                        for {set j 0} {$j<[llength [my configure -traces]]} {incr j} {
                            set value [eval "my [@ $scanFunctions $j]" $file]
                            set trace [@ [my configure -traces] $j]
                            if {$j==0} {
                                # workaround for bug with negative values in time axis
                                if {[info exists axisIsTime]} {
                                    set value [= {abs($value)}]
                            if {[info object class $trace] ne {::SpiceGenTcl::EmptyTrace}} {
                                $trace appendDataPoints $value
                } elseif {$rawType eq {Values:}} {
                    for {set i 0} {$i<$npoints} {incr i} {
                        set firstVar true
                        for {set j 0} {$j<[llength [my configure -traces]]} {incr j} {
                            set line [gets $file]
                            if {$line eq {}} {
                            set lineList [textutil::split::splitx $line]
                            if {$firstVar} {
                                set firstVar false
                                set sPoint [@ $lineList 0]
                                if {$i!=int($sPoint)} {
                                    close $file
                                    error {Error reading file}
                                if {$numType eq {complex}} {
                                    set value [split [@ $lineList 1] ","]
                                } else {
                                    set value [@ $lineList 1]
                            } else {
                                if {$numType eq {complex}} {
                                    set value [split [@ $lineList 1] ","]
                                } else {
                                    set value [@ $lineList 1]
                            set trace [@ [my configure -traces] $j]
                            $trace appendDataPoints $value
                close $file

getCurrentsNames [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns list that contains names of all current variables

OBJECT getCurrentsNames
Return value

Returns list that contains names of all current variables

method getCurrentsNames {} {

    # Returns list that contains names of all current variables
    return [lmap trace [my configure -traces] {expr {[string match -nocase {*current*} [$trace configure -type]] ? [$trace configure -name] : [continue]}}]

getTrace [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns trace object reference by it's name

OBJECT getTrace traceName
traceNameNot documented.
Return value

Returns trace object reference by it's name

method getTrace {traceName} {

    # Returns trace object reference by it's name
    set traceFoundFlag false
    foreach trace [my configure -traces] {
        if {[$trace configure -name] eq $traceName} {
            set traceFound $trace
            set traceFoundFlag true
    if {$traceFoundFlag==false} {
        return -code error "Trace with name '$traceName' was not found in raw file '[my configure -path]' list of traces"
    return $traceFound

getTracesCsv [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns string with csv formatting containing all data

OBJECT getTracesCsv ?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?
-allSelect all traces, optional.
-sepSeparator of columns, default is comma, optional.
-tracesSelect names of traces to return, optional.
Return value

Returns string with csv formatting containing all data

method getTracesCsv {args} {

    # Returns string with csv formatting containing all data
    #  -all - select all traces, optional
    #  -traces - select names of traces to return, optional
    #  -sep - separator of columns, default is comma, optional
    # Synopsis: ?-all? ?-traces list? ?-sep value?
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-all -forbid {traces}}
        {-traces -catchall -forbid {all}}
        {-sep= -default {,}}
    if {[dexist $arguments all]} {
        set tracesDict [my getTracesData]
        set tracesList [list [dict keys $tracesDict]]
        for {set i 0} {$i<[my configure -npoints]} {incr i} {
            lappend tracesList [lmap traceValues [dict values $tracesDict] {@ $traceValues $i}]
    ##nagelfar ignore
    } elseif {[dget $arguments traces] ne {}} {
        ##nagelfar ignore
        foreach traceName [dget $arguments traces] {
            set traceObj [my getTrace $traceName]
            dict append tracesDict [$traceObj configure -name] [$traceObj getDataPoints]
        set tracesList [list [dict keys $tracesDict]]
        for {set i 0} {$i<[my configure -npoints]} {incr i} {
            lappend tracesList [lmap traceValues [dict values $tracesDict] {@ $traceValues $i}]
    } else {
        return -code error "Arguments '-all' or '-traces traceName1 traceName2 ...' must be provided to 'getTracesCsv' method"
    return [::csv::joinlist $tracesList [dget $arguments sep]]

getTracesData [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns dictionary that contains all data in value and name as a key

OBJECT getTracesData
Return value

Returns dictionary that contains all data in value and name as a key

method getTracesData {} {

    # Returns dictionary that contains all data in value and name as a key
    set dict {}
    foreach trace [my configure -traces] {
        dict append dict [$trace configure -name] [$trace getDataPoints]
    return $dict

getTracesStr [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns information about all Traces in raw file in form of string

OBJECT getTracesStr
Return value

Returns information about all Traces in raw file in form of string

method getTracesStr {} {

    # Returns information about all Traces in raw file in form of string
    return [lmap trace [my configure -traces] {join [list [$trace configure -name] [$trace configure -type] [$trace configure -numtype]]}]

getVariablesNames [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns list that contains names of all variables

OBJECT getVariablesNames
Return value

Returns list that contains names of all variables

method getVariablesNames {} {

    # Returns list that contains names of all variables
    return [lmap trace [my configure -traces] {$trace configure -name}]

getVoltagesNames [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile]RawFile, Top, Main, Index

Returns list that contains names of all voltage variables

OBJECT getVoltagesNames
Return value

Returns list that contains names of all voltage variables

method getVoltagesNames {} {

    # Returns list that contains names of all voltage variables
    return [lmap trace [my configure -traces] {expr {[string match -nocase {*voltage*} [$trace configure -type]] ? [$trace configure -name] : [continue]}}]

RawString [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates raw string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value




Comment, Include, Library

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::RawString]RawString, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class RawString.

OBJECT constructor value ?-name value?
valueValue of the raw string.
-nameName of the string that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent arbitary string. It can be used to pass any string directly into netlist, for example, it can add elements that doesn't have dedicated class.

method constructor {value args} {

    # Creates object of class `RawString`.
    #  value - value of the raw string
    #  -name - name of the string that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent arbitary string.
    #  It can be used to pass any string directly into netlist,
    #  for example, it can add elements that doesn't have dedicated class.
    # Synopsis: value ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    my configure -value $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::RawString]RawString, Top, Main, Index

Creates raw string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlists string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates raw string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlists string
    return [my configure -value]

Save [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addVectorAdds new ParameterVector object to the list Vectors.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteVectorDeletes existing ParameterVector object from dictionary Vectors.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates save statement string for SPICE netlist.
getVectorsGets the dictionary of vector names.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Save]Save, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class ParamStatement.

OBJECT constructor vectors ?-name value?
vectorsList of vectors in form {vec0 vec1 vec2 ...}
-nameName of the library that could be used to retrieve element from ::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist object and its descendants, optional.

Class represent .save statement.

method constructor {vectors args} {

    # Creates object of class `ParamStatement`.
    #  vectors - list of vectors in form `{vec0 vec1 vec2 ...}`
    #  -name - name of the library that could be used to retrieve element from [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist] object
    #    and its descendants, optional
    # Class represent .save statement.
    # Synopsis: vectors ?-name value?
    argparse {
    if {[info exists name]} {
        my configure -name $name
    } else {
        my configure -name [self object]
    foreach vector $vectors {
        if {[llength $vector]>1} {
            error "Name '$vector' is not a valid name of the vector"
        } else {
            my addVector {*}$vector

addVector [::SpiceGenTcl::Save]Save, Top, Main, Index

Adds new ParameterVector object to the list Vectors.

OBJECT addVector vectorName
vectorNameName of vector.
method addVector {vectorName} {

    # Adds new `ParameterVector` object to the list Vectors.
    #  vectorName - name of vector
    set vectorName [string tolower $vectorName]
    if {[info exists Vectors]} {
        set vectorList [dict keys $Vectors]
    lappend vectorList $vectorName
    if {[my duplListCheck $vectorList]} {
        return -code error "Vectors list '$vectorList' has already contains vector with name '$vectorName'"
    dict append Vectors $vectorName [::SpiceGenTcl::ParameterVector new $vectorName]

deleteVector [::SpiceGenTcl::Save]Save, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing ParameterVector object from dictionary Vectors.

OBJECT deleteVector vectorName
vectorNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteVector {vectorName} {

    # Deletes existing `ParameterVector` object from dictionary `Vectors`.
    #  vectorName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set vectorName [string tolower $vectorName]
    if {[catch {dget $Vectors $vectorName}]} {
        return -code error "Vector with name '$vectorName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys $Vectors]'"
    } else {
        set Vectors [dict remove $Vectors $vectorName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Save]Save, Top, Main, Index

Creates save statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates save statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".save [join [join [lmap vector [dict values $Vectors] {$vector genSPICEString}]]]"

getVectors [::SpiceGenTcl::Save]Save, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary of vector names

OBJECT getVectors
Return value

vectors dictionary

method getVectors {} {

    # Gets the dictionary of vector names
    # Returns: vectors dictionary
    return $Vectors

Simulator [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
configureConfigure properties.
getLogReturns log file of completed simulations.
readDataReads raw data file of last simulation.
readLogReads log file of completed simulations.
runRuns simulation.

Readable: -data, -log, -name

Writable: -data, -log, -name


::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Simulators::Batch, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Simulators::Batch, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch

getLog [::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator]Simulator, Top, Main, Index

Returns log file of completed simulations.

Return value

Returns log file of completed simulations.

method getLog {} {

    # Returns log file of completed simulations.
    error "Not implemented"

readData [::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator]Simulator, Top, Main, Index

Reads raw data file of last simulation.

OBJECT readData
method readData {} {

    # Reads raw data file of last simulation.
    error "Not implemented"

readLog [::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator]Simulator, Top, Main, Index

Reads log file of completed simulations.

OBJECT readLog
method readLog {} {

    # Reads log file of completed simulations.
    error "Not implemented"

run [::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator]Simulator, Top, Main, Index

Runs simulation.

method run {} {

    # Runs simulation.
    error "Not implemented"

SPICEElement [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringDeclaration of method common for all SPICE elements that generates representation of element in SPICE netlist. Not implemented in abstraction class.

Pin, ParameterSwitch, Device, Model, RawString, Options, ParamStatement, Save, Ic, Global, Temp, Netlist, Analysis

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::SPICEElement]SPICEElement, Top, Main, Index

Declaration of method common for all SPICE elements that generates representation of element in SPICE netlist. Not implemented in abstraction class.

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Declaration of method common for all SPICE elements that generates
    #  representation of element in SPICE netlist. Not implemented in
    #  abstraction class.
    error "Not implemented"

Subcircuit [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addAdd element object reference to Netlist, it extends add method to add check of element class because subcircuit can't contain particular elements inside, like ::SpiceGenTcl::Include, ::SpiceGenTcl::Library, ::SpiceGenTcl::Options and ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.
addParamAdds new parameter to subcircuit, and throws error on dublicated names.
argsPreprocessSee Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
delSee Netlist.del
deleteParamDeletes existing Parameter object from list Params.
duplListCheckSee Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringCreates subcircuit string for SPICE subcircuit.
getAllElemNamesSee Netlist.getAllElemNames
getElementSee Netlist.getElement
getParamsGets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.
getPinsGets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values.
setParamValueSets (or change) value of particular parameters.

Readable: -name

Writable: -name



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Subcircuit.

Subcircuit create OBJNAME name pins params
Subcircuit new name pins params
nameName of the subcircuit.
pinsList of pins in the order they appear in SPICE subcircuits definition together in form: {pinName0 pinName1 pinName2 ...}
paramsList of input parameters in form {{name value} {name value} {name value} ...}

This class implements subcircuit, it is subclass of netlist because it holds list of elements inside subcircuit, together with header and connection of elements inside.

method constructor {name pins params} {

    # Creates object of class `Subcircuit`.
    #  name - name of the subcircuit
    #  pins - list of pins in the order they appear in SPICE subcircuits definition together
    #   in form: `{pinName0 pinName1 pinName2 ...}`
    #  params - list of input parameters in form `{{name value} {name value} {name value} ...}`
    # This class implements subcircuit, it is subclass of netlist because it holds list of elements
    # inside subcircuit, together with header and connection of elements inside.

    # create Pins objects, nodes are set to empty line
    foreach pin $pins {
        my AddPin [@ $pin 0] {}
    # create Params objects that are input parameters of subcircuit
    if {$params ne {}} {
        foreach param $params {
            if {[llength $param]<=2} {
                my addParam [@ $param 0] [@ $param 1]
            } else {
                error "Wrong parameter '[@ $param 0]' definition in subcircuit $name"
    next $name

add [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Add element object reference to Netlist, it extends add method to add check of element class because subcircuit can't contain particular elements inside, like ::SpiceGenTcl::Include, ::SpiceGenTcl::Library, ::SpiceGenTcl::Options and ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.

OBJECT add ?args?
argsElements objects references.
method add {args} {

    # Add element object reference to `Netlist`, it extends add method to add check of element class because
    # subcircuit can't contain particular elements inside, like [::SpiceGenTcl::Include],
    # [::SpiceGenTcl::Library], [::SpiceGenTcl::Options] and [::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis].
    #  args - elements objects references
    foreach arg $args {
        set argClass [info object class $arg]
        set argSuperclass [info class superclasses $argClass]
        if {$argClass in {::SpiceGenTcl::Include ::SpiceGenTcl::Library ::SpiceGenTcl::Options}} {
            return -code error "$argClass element can't be included in subcircuit"
        } elseif {[string match *::Analysis* $argSuperclass] || [string match *::Analyses* $argSuperclass]} {
            return -code error "Analysis element can't be included in subcircuit"
    next {*}$args

addParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Adds new parameter to subcircuit, and throws error on dublicated names.

OBJECT addParam paramName value
paramNameName of parameter.
valueValue of parameter.
method addParam {paramName value} {

    # Adds new parameter to subcircuit, and throws error
    #  on dublicated names.
    #  paramName - name of parameter
    #  value - value of parameter
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[info exists Params]} {
        set paramList [dict keys $Params]
    lappend paramList $paramName
    if {[my duplListCheck $paramList]} {
        return -code error "Parameters list '$paramList' has already contains parameter with name '$paramName'"
    dict append Params $paramName [::SpiceGenTcl::Parameter new $paramName $value]

deleteParam [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Deletes existing Parameter object from list Params.

OBJECT deleteParam paramName
paramNameName of parameter that will be deleted.
method deleteParam {paramName} {

    # Deletes existing `Parameter` object from list `Params`.
    #  paramName - name of parameter that will be deleted
    set paramName [string tolower $paramName]
    if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
        return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in device's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
    } else {
        set Params [dict remove $Params $paramName]

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Creates subcircuit string for SPICE subcircuit.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates subcircuit string for SPICE subcircuit.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    set name [my configure -name]
    set nodes [lmap pin [dict values $Pins] {$pin configure -name}]
    if {![info exists Params]} {
        set header ".subckt $name [join $nodes]"
    } else {
        set params [lmap param [dict values $Params] {$param genSPICEString}]
        set header ".subckt $name [join $nodes] [join $params]"
    # get netlist elements from netlist genSPICEString method
    set resStr [next]
    return [join [list $header $resStr ".ends $name"] \n]

getParams [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and parameter values as the values.

OBJECT getParams
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getParams {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains parameter name as keys and
    #  parameter values as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {paramName param} $Params {$param configure -value}]

getPins [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and connected node name as the values.

OBJECT getPins
Return value

parameters dictionary

method getPins {} {

    # Gets the dictionary that contains pin name as keys and
    #  connected node name as the values.
    # Returns: parameters dictionary
    return [dict map {pinName pin} $Pins {$pin configure -nodename}]

setParamValue [::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit]Subcircuit, Top, Main, Index

Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.

OBJECT setParamValue name value ?name value ...?
nameName of the parameter.
valueValue of the parameter.
method setParamValue {args} {

    # Sets (or change) value of particular parameters.
    #  name - name of the parameter
    #  value - value of the parameter
    # Synopsis: name value ?name value ...?
    if {[llength $args]%2!=0} {
        return -code error "Number of arguments to method '[dict get [info frame 0] method]' must be even"
    for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $args]} {incr i 2} {
        set paramName [string tolower [@ $args [= {$i}]]]
        set paramValue [@ $args [= {$i+1}]]
        if {[catch {dget $Params $paramName}]} {
            return -code error "Parameter with name '$paramName' was not found in element's '[my configure -name]' list of parameters '[dict keys [my getParams]]'"
        } else {
            set param [dget $Params $paramName]
        $param configure -value $paramValue

Temp [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
genSPICEStringCreates .temp statement string for SPICE netlist.

Readable: -name, -value

Writable: -name, -value



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Temp]Temp, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Temp.

OBJECT constructor value ?-eq?
valueValue of the temperature.
-eqOptional parameter qualificator.

This class represent .temp statement with temperature value.

method constructor {value args} {

    # Creates object of class `Temp`.
    #  value - value of the temperature
    #  -eq - optional parameter qualificator
    # This class represent .temp statement with temperature value.
    # Synopsis: value ?-eq?
    argparse {
        {-eq -boolean}
    #set [my varname value] $value
    my configure -name temp
    ##nagelfar variable eq
    if {$eq} {
        my AddParam temp $value -eq
    } else {
        my AddParam temp $value

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Temp]Temp, Top, Main, Index

Creates .temp statement string for SPICE netlist.

Return value

SPICE netlist's string

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Creates .temp statement string for SPICE netlist.
    # Returns: SPICE netlist's string
    return ".temp [$value genSPICEString]"

Trace [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
appendDataPointsSee Dataset.appendDataPoints
configureConfigure properties.
getDataPointsSee Dataset.getDataPoints
getStrSee Dataset.getStr
setDataPointsSee Dataset.setDataPoints

Readable: -axis, -len, -name, -numtype, -type

Writable: -axis, -len, -name, -numtype, -type



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Trace]Trace, Top, Main, Index

initialize trace

Trace create OBJNAME name type len axis ?numType?
Trace new name type len axis ?numType?
nameName of the trace.
typeType of trace.
lenTotal number of points.
axisName of axis that is linked to trace.
numTypeNumerical type of trace. Optional, default real.
method constructor {name type len axis {numType real}} {

    # initialize trace
    #  name - name of the trace
    #  type - type of trace
    #  len - total number of points
    #  axis - name of axis that is linked to trace
    #  numType - numerical type of trace
    my configure -axis $axis
    next $name $type $len $numType

Utility [::SpiceGenTcl]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
argsPreprocessCalls argparse and constructs list for passing to Device constructor.
buildArgStrBuilds argument list for argparse.
buildSwArgStrBuilds argument list for argparse that doesn't need an argument value.
duplListCheckChecks if list contains duplicates.
duplListCheckRetChecks if list contains duplicates and return value of first duplicate.

Device, Model, Options, ParamStatement, Save, Ic, Nodeset, Global, Netlist, Analysis, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sin, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::exp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Sources::sffm, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran, ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::sffm, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Sources::am, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Sp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensAc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::SensDc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Sens, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::pulse, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sin, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::exp, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Sources::sffm

argsPreprocess [::SpiceGenTcl::Utility]Utility, Top, Main, Index

Calls argparse and constructs list for passing to Device constructor.

OBJECT argsPreprocess paramsNames ?args?
paramsNamesList of parameter names, define alias for parameter name by using two element list {paramName aliasName}
argsArgument list with key names and it's values.
Return value

list of parameters formatted for Device/Model constructor

method argsPreprocess {paramsNames args} {

    # Calls argparse and constructs list for passing to Device constructor.
    #  paramsNames - list of parameter names, define alias for parameter name by
    #  using two element list {paramName aliasName}
    #  args - argument list with key names and it's values
    # Returns: list of parameters formatted for Device/Model constructor
    foreach paramName $paramsNames {
        if {[llength $paramName]>1} {
            for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $paramName]} {incr i} {
                set paramNameAlias [@ $paramName $i]
                lappend paramDefList "\{-${paramNameAlias}= -forbid \{[lremove $paramName $i]\}\}"
        } else {
            lappend paramDefList -${paramName}=
    set paramDefStr [join $paramDefList \n]
    set arguments [argparse -inline "
    set params {}
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        lappend params [list $paramName {*}$value]
    return $params

buildArgStr [::SpiceGenTcl::Utility]Utility, Top, Main, Index

Builds argument list for argparse.

OBJECT buildArgStr paramsNames
paramsNamesList of parameter names.
Return value

string in form -paramName= ..., or {-paramName= -forbid {alias0 alias1 ...}}

method buildArgStr {paramsNames} {

    # Builds argument list for argparse.
    #  paramsNames - list of parameter names
    # Returns: string in form `-paramName= ...`, or `{-paramName= -forbid {alias0 alias1 ...}}`
    foreach paramName $paramsNames {
        if {[llength $paramName]>1} {
            for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $paramName]} {incr i} {
                set paramNameAlias [@ $paramName $i]
                lappend paramDefList "\{-${paramNameAlias}= -forbid \{[lremove $paramName $i]\}\}"
        } else {
            lappend paramDefList -${paramName}=
    set paramDefStr [join $paramDefList \n]
    return $paramDefStr

buildSwArgStr [::SpiceGenTcl::Utility]Utility, Top, Main, Index

Builds argument list for argparse that doesn't need an argument value.

OBJECT buildSwArgStr paramsNames
paramsNamesList of parameter names.
Return value

string in form -paramName ...

method buildSwArgStr {paramsNames} {

    # Builds argument list for argparse that doesn't need an argument value.
    #  paramsNames - list of parameter names
    # Returns: string in form *-paramName ...*
    foreach paramName $paramsNames {
        lappend paramDefList -${paramName}
    set paramDefStr [join $paramDefList \n]
    return $paramDefStr

duplListCheck [::SpiceGenTcl::Utility]Utility, Top, Main, Index

Checks if list contains duplicates.

OBJECT duplListCheck list
listList to check.
Return value

0 if there are no duplicates and 1 if there are.

method duplListCheck {list} {

    # Checks if list contains duplicates.
    #  list - list to check
    # Returns: 0 if there are no duplicates and 1 if there are.
    set flag 0
    set new {}
    foreach item $list {
        if {[lsearch $new $item] < 0} {
            lappend new $item
        } else {
            set flag 1
    return $flag

duplListCheckRet [::SpiceGenTcl::Utility]Utility, Top, Main, Index

Checks if list contains duplicates and return value of first duplicate.

OBJECT duplListCheckRet list
listList to check.
Return value

empty list if no duplicate or value of first duplicate.

method duplListCheckRet {list} {

    # Checks if list contains duplicates and return value of first duplicate.
    #  list - list to check
    # Returns: empty list if no duplicate or value of first duplicate.
    set itemDup {}
    set new {}
    foreach item $list {
        if {[lsearch $new $item] < 0} {
            lappend new $item
        } else {
            set itemDup $item
    return $itemDup