Tcl SpiceGenTcl package (v)

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevicesTop, Main, Index

ClassesTop, Main, Index

Bjt [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringModify substrate pin string in order to complain square brackets enclosure, see BJT info in reference manual of Xyce.
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt]Bjt, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Bjt that describes semiconductor bipolar junction transistor device.

Bjt create OBJNAME name ncNode nbNode neNode ?args?
Bjt new name ncNode nbNode neNode ?args?
nameName of the device without first-letter designator Q.
ncNodeName of node connected to collector pin.
nbNodeName of node connected to base pin.
neNodeName of node connected to emitter pin.
-areaScale factor, optional.
-ic1Initial conditions for vbe, optional.
-ic2Initial conditions for vce, optional.
-mMultiplier of area and perimeter, optional.
-modelName of the model.
-nsName of node connected to substrate pin, optional.
-tempDevice temperature, optional.
-tjName of node connected to thermal pin, optional, requires -ns.
QXXXXXXX nc nb ne <ns> <tj> mname <area=val> <areac=val>
+ <areab=val> <m=val> <off> <ic=vbe,vce> <temp=val>
+ <dtemp=val>

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt new 1 netc netb nete -model bjtmod -ns nets -area 1e-3
method constructor {name ncNode nbNode neNode args} {

    # Creates object of class `Bjt` that describes semiconductor bipolar junction transistor device.
    #  name - name of the device without first-letter designator Q
    #  ncNode - name of node connected to collector pin
    #  nbNode - name of node connected to base pin
    #  neNode - name of node connected to emitter pin
    #  -model - name of the model
    #  -area - scale factor, optional
    #  -m - multiplier of area and perimeter, optional
    #  -temp - device temperature, optional
    #  -ic1 - initial conditions for vbe, optional
    #  -ic2 - initial conditions for vce, optional
    #  -ns - name of node connected to substrate pin, optional
    #  -tj - name of node connected to thermal pin, optional, requires -ns
    # ```
    # QXXXXXXX nc nb ne <ns> <tj> mname <area=val> <areac=val>
    # + <areab=val> <m=val> <off> <ic=vbe,vce> <temp=val>
    # + <dtemp=val>
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt new 1 netc netb nete -model bjtmod -ns nets -area 1e-3
    # ```
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-model= -required}
        {-off -boolean}
        {-tj= -require {ns}}
    lappend params "model [dict get $arguments model] -posnocheck"
    if {[dict exists $arguments area]} {
        set areaVal [dict get $arguments area]
        if {([llength $areaVal]>1) && ([lindex $areaVal 1]=="-eq")} {
            lappend params "area [lindex $areaVal 0] -poseq"
        } else {
            lappend params "area $areaVal -pos"
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName ni {model area off ns tj}} {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    set pinList [list "nc $ncNode" "nb $nbNode" "ne $neNode"]
    if {[dict exists $arguments ns]} {
        lappend pinList "ns [dict get $arguments ns]"
        if {[dict exists $arguments tj]} {
            lappend pinList "tj [dict get $arguments tj]"
    next q$name $pinList $params

genSPICEString [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Bjt]Bjt, Top, Main, Index

Modify substrate pin string in order to complain square brackets enclosure, see BJT info in reference manual of Xyce

method genSPICEString {} {

    # Modify substrate pin string in order to complain square brackets enclosure,
    # see BJT info in reference manual of Xyce
    set SPICEStr [next]
    if {[dict exists [my getPins] ns]} {
        set SPICEList [split $SPICEStr]
        set SPICEStr [join [lreplace $SPICEList 4 4 "\[[lindex $SPICEList 4]\]"]]
    return $SPICEStr

D [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name



Diode [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Diode]Diode, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Diode that describes semiconductor diode device.

Diode create OBJNAME name npNode nmNode ?args?
Diode new name npNode nmNode ?args?
nameName of the device without first-letter designator D.
npNodeName of node connected to positive pin.
nmNodeName of node connected to negative pin.
-areaArea scale factor, optional.
-custparamsKey that collects all arguments at the end of device definition, to provide an ability to add custom parameters in form -custparams param1 param1Val param2 {param2eq -eq} param3 param3Val ... Must be specified after all others options. Optional.
-icInitial condition, optional.
-mMultiplier of area and perimeter, optional.
-modelName of the model.
-pjPerimeter scale factor, optional.
-tempDevice temperature, optional.
D<name> <(+) node> <(-) node> <model name> [device parameters]

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Diode new 1 netp netm -model diomod -area 1e-6
method constructor {name npNode nmNode args} {

    # Creates object of class `Diode` that describes semiconductor diode device.
    #  name - name of the device without first-letter designator D
    #  npNode - name of node connected to positive pin
    #  nmNode - name of node connected to negative pin
    #  -model - name of the model
    #  -area - area scale factor, optional
    #  -m - multiplier of area and perimeter, optional
    #  -pj - perimeter scale factor, optional
    #  -ic - initial condition, optional
    #  -temp - device temperature, optional
    #  -custparams - key that collects all arguments at the end of device definition, to provide an ability
    #  to add custom parameters in form `-custparams param1 param1Val param2 {param2eq -eq} param3 param3Val ...`
    #  Must be specified after all others options. Optional.
    # ```
    # D<name> <(+) node> <(-) node> <model name> [device parameters]
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Diode new 1 netp netm -model diomod -area 1e-6
    # ```
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-model= -required}
        {-custparams -catchall}
    lappend params "model [dict get $arguments model] -posnocheck"
    if {[dict exists $arguments area]} {
        set areaVal [dict get $arguments area]
        if {([llength $areaVal]>1) && ([lindex $areaVal 1]=="-eq")} {
            lappend params "area [lindex $areaVal 0] -poseq"
        } else {
            lappend params "area $areaVal -pos"
    if {[dict exists $arguments pj]} {
        set pjVal [dict get $arguments pj]
        if {([llength $pjVal]>1) && ([lindex $pjVal 1]=="-eq")} {
            lappend params "pj [lindex $pjVal 0] -poseq"
        } else {
            lappend params "pj $pjVal -pos"
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName ni {model custparams area pj}} {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    if {[dict get $arguments custparams]!=""} {
        if {[llength [dict get $arguments custparams]]%2!=0} {
            error "Custom parameters list must be even length"
        set custParamDict [dict create {*}[dict get $arguments custparams]]
        dict for {paramName value} $custParamDict {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    next d$name [list "np $npNode" "nm $nmNode"] $params

J [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name



Jfet [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet]Jfet, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Jfet that describes semiconductor junction FET device.

Jfet create OBJNAME name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
Jfet new name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
nameName of the device without first-letter designator J.
ndNodeName of node connected to drain pin.
ngNodeName of node connected to gate pin.
nsNodeName of node connected to source pin.
-areaScale factor, optional.
-modelName of the model.
-tempDevice temperature, optional.
J<name> <drain node> <gate node> <source node> <model name> [area value] [device parameters]

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet new 1 netd netg nets -model jfetmod -area {area*2 -eq} -temp 25
method constructor {name ndNode ngNode nsNode args} {

    # Creates object of class `Jfet` that describes semiconductor junction FET device.
    #  name - name of the device without first-letter designator J
    #  ndNode - name of node connected to drain pin
    #  ngNode - name of node connected to gate pin
    #  nsNode - name of node connected to source pin
    #  -model - name of the model
    #  -area - scale factor, optional
    #  -temp - device temperature, optional
    # ```
    # J<name> <drain node> <gate node> <source node> <model name> [area value] [device parameters]
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Jfet new 1 netd netg nets -model jfetmod -area {area*2 -eq} -temp 25
    # ```
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-model= -required}
    lappend params "model [dict get $arguments model] -posnocheck"
    if {[dict exists $arguments area]} {
        set areaVal [dict get $arguments area]
        if {([llength $areaVal]>1) && ([lindex $areaVal 1]=="-eq")} {
            lappend params "area [lindex $areaVal 0] -poseq"
        } else {
            lappend params "area $areaVal -pos"
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName ni {model area}} {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    next j$name [list "nd $ndNode" "ng $ngNode" "ns $nsNode"] $params

M [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name



Mesfet [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet]Mesfet, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Mesfet that describes semiconductor MESFET device.

Mesfet create OBJNAME name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
Mesfet new name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
nameName of the device without first-letter designator Z.
ndNodeName of node connected to drain pin.
ngNodeName of node connected to gate pin.
nsNodeName of node connected to source pin.
-areaEmitter scale factor, optional.
-modelName of the model.
-tempDevice temperature, optional.
Z<name> < drain node> <gate node> <source node> <model name> [area value] [device parameters]

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet new 1 netd netg nets -model mesfetmod -area {area*2 -eq}
method constructor {name ndNode ngNode nsNode args} {

    # Creates object of class `Mesfet` that describes semiconductor MESFET device.
    #  name - name of the device without first-letter designator Z
    #  ndNode - name of node connected to drain pin
    #  ngNode - name of node connected to gate pin
    #  nsNode - name of node connected to source pin
    #  -model - name of the model
    #  -area - emitter scale factor, optional
    #  -temp - device temperature, optional
    # ```
    # Z<name> < drain node> <gate node> <source node> <model name> [area value] [device parameters]
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mesfet new 1 netd netg nets -model mesfetmod -area {area*2 -eq}
    # ```
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-model= -required}
    lappend params "model [dict get $arguments model] -posnocheck"
    if {[dict exists $arguments area]} {
        set areaVal [dict get $arguments area]
        if {([llength $areaVal]>1) && ([lindex $areaVal 1]=="-eq")} {
            lappend params "area [lindex $areaVal 0] -poseq"
        } else {
            lappend params "area $areaVal -pos"
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName ni {model area}} {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    next z$name [list "nd $ndNode" "ng $ngNode" "ns $nsNode"] $params

Mosfet [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices::Mosfet]Mosfet, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Mosfet that describes semiconductor MOSFET device.

Mosfet create OBJNAME name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
Mosfet new name ndNode ngNode nsNode ?args?
nameName of the device without first-letter designator M.
ndNodeName of node connected to drain pin.
ngNodeName of node connected to gate pin.
nsNodeName of node connected to source pin.
-adDiffusion area of drain, optional, forbid -nrd.
-asDiffusion area of source, optional,forbid -nrs.
-custparamsKey that collects all arguments at the end of device definition, to provide an ability to add custom parameters in form -custparams param1 param1Val param2 {param2eq -eq} param3 param3Val ... Must be specified after all others options. Optional.
-icInitial conditions for vds, vgs and vbs, in form of two element list, optional, require 4th node.
-lLength of channel, optional.
-mMultiplier, optional.
-modelName of the model.
-n4Name of 4th node;
-n5Name of 5th node, require -n4, optional.
-n7Name of 7th node, require -n6, optional.
-nrdEquivalent number of squares of the drain diffusions.
-nrsEquivalent number of squares of the source diffusions.
-offInitial state, optional.
-pdPerimeter area of drain, optional.
-psPerimeter area of source, optional.
-tempDevice temperature.
-wWidth of channel, optional.
n6Name of 6th node, require -n5, optional.
M<name> <drain node> <gate node> <source node>
+ <bulk/substrate node> <model name>
+ [L=<value>] [W=<value>]
+ [AD=<value>] [AS=<value>]
+ [PD=<value>] [PS=<value>]
+ [NRD=<value>] [NRS=<value>]
+ [M=<value] [IC=<value, ...>]

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Mosfet new 1 netd netg nets -model mosfetmod -l 1e-6 -w 10e-3 -n4 netsub -n5 net5
method constructor {name ndNode ngNode nsNode args} {

    # Creates object of class `Mosfet` that describes semiconductor MOSFET device.
    #  name - name of the device without first-letter designator M
    #  ndNode - name of node connected to drain pin
    #  ngNode - name of node connected to gate pin
    #  nsNode - name of node connected to source pin
    #  -model - name of the model
    #  -m - multiplier, optional
    #  -l - length of channel, optional
    #  -w - width of channel, optional
    #  -ad - diffusion area of drain, optional, forbid -nrd
    #  -as - diffusion area of source, optional,forbid -nrs
     #  -pd - perimeter area of drain, optional
    #  -ps - perimeter area of source, optional
    #  -nrd - equivalent number of squares of the drain diffusions
    #  -nrs - equivalent number of squares of the source diffusions
    #  -temp - device temperature
    #  -ic - initial conditions for vds, vgs and vbs, in form of two element list, optional, require 4th node
    #  -off - initial state, optional
    #  -n4 - name of 4th node;
    #  -n5 - name of 5th node, require -n4, optional
    #  n6 - name of 6th node, require -n5, optional
    #  -n7 - name of 7th node, require -n6, optional
    #  -custparams - key that collects all arguments at the end of device definition, to provide an ability
    #  to add custom parameters in form `-custparams param1 param1Val param2 {param2eq -eq} param3 param3Val ...`
    #  Must be specified after all others options. Optional.
    # ```
    # M<name> <drain node> <gate node> <source node>
    # + <bulk/substrate node> <model name>
    # + [L=<value>] [W=<value>]
    # + [AD=<value>] [AS=<value>]
    # + [PD=<value>] [PS=<value>]
    # + [NRD=<value>] [NRS=<value>]
    # + [M=<value] [IC=<value, ...>]
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Mosfet new 1 netd netg nets -model mosfetmod -l 1e-6 -w 10e-3 -n4 netsub -n5 net5
    # ```
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-model= -required}
        {-ad= -forbid {nrd}}
        {-as= -forbid {nrs}}
        {-nrd= -forbid {ad}}
        {-nrs= -forbid {as}}
        {-ic= -validate {[llength $arg]==3}}
        {-n5= -require {n4}}
        {-n6= -require {n5}}
        {-n7= -require {n7}}
        {-custparams -catchall}
    lappend params "model [dict get $arguments model] -posnocheck"
    if {[dict exists $arguments ic]} {
        lappend params "ic [join [dict get $arguments ic] ,] -nocheck"
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName ni {model off ic n4 n5 n6 n7 custparams}} {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    if {[dict get $arguments custparams]!=""} {
        if {[llength [dict get $arguments custparams]]%2!=0} {
            error "Custom parameters list must be even length"
        set custParamDict [dict create {*}[dict get $arguments custparams]]
        dict for {paramName value} $custParamDict {
            lappend params "$paramName $value"
    set pinList [list "nd $ndNode" "ng $ngNode" "ns $nsNode"]
    if {[dict exists $arguments n4]} {
        lappend pinList "n4 [dict get $arguments n4]"
        if {[dict exists $arguments n5]} {
            lappend pinList "n5 [dict get $arguments n5]"
            if {[dict exists $arguments n6]} {
                lappend pinList "n6 [dict get $arguments n6]"
                if {[dict exists $arguments n7]} {
                    lappend pinList "n7 [dict get $arguments n7]"
    next m$name $pinList $params

Q [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee Bjt.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name



Z [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::SemiconductorDevices]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.addParam
checkFloatingPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.checkFloatingPins
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getParams
getPinsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.getPins
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setParamValue
setPinNodeNameSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Device.setPinNodeName

Readable: -Name

Writable: -Name

