::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::AnalysesTop, Main, Index
ClassesTop, Main, Index
Ac [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
addParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam |
configure | Configure properties. |
deleteParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam |
duplListCheck | See ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck |
genSPICEString | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString |
getParams | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams |
setParamValue | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue |
Readable: -Name
, -Type
Writable: -Name
, -Type
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Ac]Ac, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Ac
that describes AC analysis.
Ac create OBJNAME ?args?
Ac new ?args?
Ac new ?args?
-fstart | Start frequency. |
-fstop | Start frequency. |
-n | Number of points. |
-name | Name argument, optional. |
-variation | Parameter that defines frequency scale, could be dec, oct or lin. |
Example of class initialization:
method constructor {args} { # Creates object of class `Ac` that describes AC analysis. # -variation - parameter that defines frequency scale, could be dec, oct or lin # -n - number of points # -fstart - start frequency # -fstop - start frequency # -name - name argument, optional # ``` # .AC <sweep type> <points value> # + <start frequency value> <end frequency value> # ``` # Example of class initialization: # ``` # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Ac new -variation dec -n 10 -fstart 1 -fstop 1e6 -name dc1 # ``` set arguments [argparse -inline { -name= {-variation= -required} {-n= -required} {-fstart= -required} {-fstop= -required} }] if {[dict exists $arguments name]} { set name [dict get $arguments name] } else { set name [self object] } lappend params "variation [dict get $arguments variation] -posnocheck" set paramsOrder [list n fstart fstop] foreach param $paramsOrder { if {[dict exists $arguments $param]} { dict append argsOrdered $param [dict get $arguments $param] } } dict for {paramName value} $argsOrdered { if {([llength $value]>1) && ([lindex $value 1]=="-eq")} { lappend params "$paramName [lindex $value 0] -poseq" } else { lappend params "$paramName $value -pos" } } next ac $params -name $name }
Dc [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
addParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam |
configure | Configure properties. |
deleteParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam |
duplListCheck | See ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck |
genSPICEString | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString |
getParams | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams |
setParamValue | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue |
Readable: -Name
, -Type
Writable: -Name
, -Type
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Dc]Dc, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Dc
that describes DC analysis.
Dc create OBJNAME ?args?
Dc new ?args?
Dc new ?args?
-incr | Incrementing value. |
-name | Name argument, optional. |
-src | Name of independent voltage or current source, a resistor, or the circuit temperature. |
-start | Start value. |
-stop | Stop value. |
Example of class initialization:
method constructor {args} { # Creates object of class `Dc` that describes DC analysis. # -src - name of independent voltage or current source, a resistor, or the circuit temperature # -start - start value # -stop - stop value # -incr - incrementing value # -name - name argument, optional # ``` # .DC [LIN] <sweep variable name> <start> <stop> <step> # ``` # Example of class initialization: # ``` # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Dc new -src v1 -start {time1 -eq} -stop 5 -incr 0.1 -name dc1 # ``` set arguments [argparse -inline { -name= {-src= -required} {-start= -required} {-stop= -required} {-incr= -required} }] if {[dict exists $arguments name]} { set name [dict get $arguments name] } else { set name [self object] } lappend params "src [dict get $arguments src] -posnocheck" set paramsOrder [list start stop incr] foreach param $paramsOrder { if {[dict exists $arguments $param]} { dict append argsOrdered $param [dict get $arguments $param] } } dict for {paramName value} $argsOrdered { if {([llength $value]>1) && ([lindex $value 1]=="-eq")} { lappend params "$paramName [lindex $value 0] -poseq" } else { lappend params "$paramName $value -pos" } } next dc $params -name $name }
Op [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
addParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam |
configure | Configure properties. |
deleteParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam |
duplListCheck | See ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck |
genSPICEString | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString |
getParams | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams |
setParamValue | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue |
Readable: -Name
, -Type
Writable: -Name
, -Type
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Op]Op, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Op
that describes OP analysis.
Op create OBJNAME ?args?
Op new ?args?
Op new ?args?
-name | Name argument, optional. |
Example of class initialization:
method constructor {args} { # Creates object of class `Op` that describes OP analysis. # -name - name argument, optional # ``` # .op # ``` # Example of class initialization: # ``` # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Op new -name op1 # ``` set arguments [argparse -inline { -name= }] if {[dict exists $arguments name]} { set name [dict get $arguments name] } else { set name [self object] } next op "" -name $name }
Sens [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
addParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam |
configure | Configure properties. |
deleteParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam |
duplListCheck | See ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck |
genSPICEString | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString |
getParams | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams |
setParamValue | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue |
Readable: -Name
, -Type
Writable: -Name
, -Type
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Sens]Sens, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Sens
that describes SENS ac analysis.
Sens create OBJNAME ?args?
Sens new ?args?
Sens new ?args?
-name | Name argument, optional. |
-objfunc | Output expression. |
-param | Circuit parameter(s) |
Example of class initialization:
method constructor {args} { # Creates object of class `Sens` that describes SENS ac analysis. # -objfunc - output expression # -param - circuit parameter(s) # -name - name argument, optional # ``` # .SENS objfunc=<output expression(s)> param=<circuit parameter(s)> # ``` # Example of class initialization: # ``` # ::SpiceGenTcl::Analyses::Xyce::Sens new -objfunc "0.5*(V(B)-3.0)**2.0" -param "R1:R,R2:R" -name dc1 # ``` set arguments [argparse -inline { -name= {-objfunc= -required} {-param= -required} }] if {[dict exists $arguments name]} { set name [dict get $arguments name] } else { set name [self object] } lappend params "objfunc [dict get $arguments objfunc] -eq" lappend params "param [dict get $arguments param] -nocheck" next sens $params -name $name }
Tran [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
addParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam |
configure | Configure properties. |
deleteParam | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam |
duplListCheck | See ::SpiceGenTcl::DuplChecker.duplListCheck |
genSPICEString | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString |
getParams | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams |
setParamValue | See ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue |
Readable: -Name
, -Type
Writable: -Name
, -Type
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Tran]Tran, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Tran
that describes TRAN analysis.
Tran create OBJNAME ?args?
Tran new ?args?
Tran new ?args?
-name | Name argument, optional. |
-tstart | Size of maximum time step in actual simulation, optional, require -tstart. |
-tstep | Initial step value. |
-tstop | Final time value. |
-uic | Skip initial operating point solution, optional. |
Example of class initialization:
method constructor {args} { # Creates object of class `Tran` that describes TRAN analysis. # -tstep - initial step value # -tstop - final time value # -tstart - start time of saving data, optional # -tstart - size of maximum time step in actual simulation, optional, require -tstart # -uic - skip initial operating point solution, optional # -name - name argument, optional # ``` # .TRAN <initial step value> <final time value> # + [<start time value> [<step ceiling value>]] [NOOP] [UIC] # ``` # Example of class initialization: # ``` # ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Tran new -tstep 1e-9 -tstop 10e-6 -name dc1 # ``` set arguments [argparse -inline { -name= {-tstep= -required} {-tstop= -required} -tstart= {-tmax= -require {tstart}} {-uic -boolean} }] if {[dict exists $arguments name]} { set name [dict get $arguments name] } else { set name [self object] } set paramsOrder [list tstep tstop tstart tmax] foreach param $paramsOrder { if {[dict exists $arguments $param]} { dict append argsOrdered $param [dict get $arguments $param] } } dict for {paramName value} $argsOrdered { if {([llength $value]>1) && ([lindex $value 1]=="-eq")} { lappend params "$paramName [lindex $value 0] -poseq" } else { lappend params "$paramName $value -pos" } } if {[dict get $arguments uic]==1} { lappend params "uic -sw" } next tran $params -name $name }