Tcl SpiceGenTcl package (v0.66)

::SpiceGenTcl::Common::AnalysesTop, Main, Index

ClassesTop, Main, Index

Ac [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam
argsPreprocessSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Ac, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses::Ac

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac]Ac, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Ac that describes AC analysis.

OBJECT constructor -variation value -n value -fstart value -fstop value ?-name value?
-fstartStart frequency.
-fstopStart frequency.
-nNumber of points.
-nameName argument, optional.
-variationParameter that defines frequency scale, could be dec, oct or lin.
.ac variation n fstart fstop

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac new -variation dec -n 10 -fstart 1 -fstop 1e6 -name dc1
method constructor {args} {

    # Creates object of class `Ac` that describes AC analysis.
    #  -variation - parameter that defines frequency scale, could be dec, oct or lin
    #  -n - number of points
    #  -fstart - start frequency
    #  -fstop - start frequency
    #  -name - name argument, optional
    # ```
    # .ac variation n fstart fstop
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Ac new -variation dec -n 10 -fstart 1 -fstop 1e6 -name dc1
    # ```
    # Synopsis: -variation value -n value -fstart value -fstop value ?-name value?
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-variation= -required -enum {dec oct lin}}
        {-n= -required}
        {-fstart= -required}
        {-fstop= -required}
    my NameProcess $arguments [self object]
    lappend params [list variation [dget $arguments variation] -posnocheck]
    set paramsOrder {n fstart fstop}
    my ParamsProcess $paramsOrder $arguments params
    ##nagelfar variable name
    next ac $params -name $name

Dc [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam
argsPreprocessSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Dc, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses::Dc

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc]Dc, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Dc that describes DC analysis.

OBJECT constructor -src value -start value -stop value -incr value ?-name value?
-incrIncrementing value.
-nameName argument, optional.
-srcName of independent voltage or current source, a resistor, or the circuit temperature.
-startStart value.
-stopStop value.
.dc src start stop vincr

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc new -src v1 -start {time1 -eq} -stop 5 -incr 0.1 -name dc1
method constructor {args} {

    # Creates object of class `Dc` that describes DC analysis.
    #  -src - name of independent voltage or current source, a resistor, or the circuit temperature
    #  -start - start value
    #  -stop - stop value
    #  -incr - incrementing value
    #  -name - name argument, optional
    # ```
    # .dc src start stop vincr
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Dc new -src v1 -start {time1 -eq} -stop 5 -incr 0.1 -name dc1
    # ```
    # Synopsis: -src value -start value -stop value -incr value ?-name value?
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-src= -required}
        {-start= -required}
        {-stop= -required}
        {-incr= -required}
    my NameProcess $arguments [self object]
    lappend params [list src [dget $arguments src] -posnocheck]
    set paramsOrder {start stop incr}
    my ParamsProcess $paramsOrder $arguments params
    ##nagelfar variable name
    next dc $params -name $name

Op [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam
argsPreprocessSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Op, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Op, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses::Op

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op]Op, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Op that describes OP analysis.

OBJECT constructor ?-name value?
-nameName argument, optional.

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op new -name op1
method constructor {args} {

    # Creates object of class `Op` that describes OP analysis.
    #  -name - name argument, optional
    # ```
    # .op
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Op new -name op1
    # ```
    # Synopsis: ?-name value?
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
    my NameProcess $arguments [self object]
    ##nagelfar variable name
    next op "" -name $name

Tran [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.addParam
argsPreprocessSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.getParams
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Analysis.setParamValue

Readable: -name, -type

Writable: -name, -type






::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Analyses::Tran, ::SpiceGenTcl::Xyce::Analyses::Tran, ::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Analyses::Tran

constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran]Tran, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class Tran that describes TRAN analysis.

OBJECT constructor -tstep value -tstop value ?-tstart value ?-tmax value?? ?-uic? ?-name value?
-nameName argument, optional.
-tmaxSize of maximum time step in actual simulation, optional, require -tstart.
-tstartStart time of saving data, optional.
-tstepSize of maximum time step for plotting.
-tstopStop time value.
-uicSkip initial operating point solution, optional.
.tran tstep tstop <tstart<tmax>> <uic>

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran new -tstep 1e-9 -tstop 10e-6 -name dc1
method constructor {args} {

    # Creates object of class `Tran` that describes TRAN analysis.
    #  -tstep - size of maximum time step for plotting
    #  -tstop - stop time value
    #  -tstart - start time of saving data, optional
    #  -tmax - size of maximum time step in actual simulation, optional, require -tstart
    #  -uic - skip initial operating point solution, optional
    #  -name - name argument, optional
    # ```
    # .tran tstep tstop <tstart<tmax>> <uic>
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Common::Analyses::Tran new -tstep 1e-9 -tstop 10e-6 -name dc1
    # ```
    # Synopsis: -tstep value -tstop value ?-tstart value ?-tmax value?? ?-uic? ?-name value?
    set arguments [argparse -inline {
        {-tstep= -required}
        {-tstop= -required}
        {-tmax= -require {tstart}}
        {-uic -boolean}
    my NameProcess $arguments [self object]
    set paramsOrder {tstep tstop tstart tmax}
    my ParamsProcess $paramsOrder $arguments params
    if {[dget $arguments uic]} {
        lappend params {uic -sw}
    ##nagelfar variable name
    next tran $params -name $name