This section provides advanced examples from the examples folder in the root directory of SpiceGenTcl. Rather than focusing on basic operations, we highlight advanced use cases that showcase the full capabilities of both the package and the Tcl language. List of availible examples:
Monte-Carlo simulation - "examples/ngspice/advanced/monte_carlo.tcl" and "examples/xyce/advanced/monte_carlo.tcl" file
This example demonstrates multiple runs of a simple filter circuit and the collection of the resulting statistical distribution of frequency bandwidths. The original circuit source is from the ngspice source distribution. The target filter circuit is:
The filter is a 3rd-order Chebyshev bandpass. The first step is to build the circuit and obtain the magnitude of the transfer characteristic:
Here, we use a different method for creating a class instance: create instead of new. With create, we can directly set a custom object reference name, rather than relying on the automatically generated one by Tcl.
Keep in mind that c1 is an object reference, not the name of a variable storing the reference. Therefore, it can be used as an object command directly, without the need for a $.
To calculate the magnitude of the transfer function in dB scale from the output voltage phasor, we create a procedure:
Procedure that apply calcDbMag to list of complex values.
Run and plot the result:
ticklEcharts !!!
We define pass bandwidth by edge values -10dB, to find them we use next procedure:
Find bandwidth:
The value is 1.086255 Mhz.
Our goal is to obtain a distribution of bandwidths by varying the filter parameters. To generate random values for these parameters, we use the built-in functions of the math::statistics package from Tcllib. The parameters can be distributed either normally or uniformly. For uniform distribution, we use ::math::statistics::random-uniform xmin xmax number; for normal distribution, we use ::math::statistics::random-normal mean stdev number. For uniform distribution, we define the following min and max limits for each C and L element:
We can specify different numbers of simulations; the more runs we perform, the more accurate the representation becomes. For example, we set the number of simulations to 1,000 runs with 15 intervals for constructing a boxplot:
Now we ready to run simulations 1000 times and collect results:
To obtain the distribution, we need to determine reasonable limits based on the minimum and maximum of the generated bandwidth values. Using the specified number of intervals (15), we apply the following procedure:
Here, we use the dedicated procedure from the statistics package: ::math::statistics::minmax-histogram-limits min max number. Additionally, we construct strings in form leftVal-rightVal that represent the intervals on the boxplot chart. We call this procedure and store the results:
Finally, to obtain the expected histogram for a uniform distribution, we use the following procedure with the built-in function: ::math::statistics::histogram-uniform xmin xmax limits number:
Call the createDist procedure to calculate the histogram y-axis values, which correspond to the number of bandwidths within each interval:
The same sequence of steps is applied for the normal distribution. We assume that std = (xmax - xmin) / 6, where xmax and xmin are the limits of the uniform distribution.
Finally, we plot resulted distributions:
ticklEcharts !!!
We can clearly see the difference between normal and uniform distributions; the intervals are close due to setting the standard deviation of the normal distribution as std = (xmax - xmin) / 6.
We can also take the uniform intervals and calculate the normal distribution values at these intervals:
ticklEcharts !!!
Parameters extraction of diode model parametersTop, Main, Index
In this advanced example we will do curve fitting procedure to extract parameters of diode model. We use measured (emulated with more advanced diode model generated data, with added small distorsion and make non-equal voltage steps) forward current characteristic of diode.
This example demands two additional Tcl packages to make fast interpolation and Levenberg-Marquardt optimization algorithm: