Tcl SpiceGenTcl package (v0.66)

::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::SimulatorsTop, Main, Index

ClassesTop, Main, Index

Batch [::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
configureConfigure properties.
getLogSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Simulator.getLog
readDataReads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name.
readLogReads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable.
runAndReadRuns netlist circuit file.

Readable: -data, -log, -name, -runlocation

Writable: -data, -log, -name, -runlocation



constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch]Batch, Top, Main, Index

Creates batch ngspice simulator that can be attached to top-level Circuit.

Batch create OBJNAME name ?runLocation?
Batch new name ?runLocation?
nameName of simulator object.
runLocationLocation at which input netlist is stored and all output files will be saved, default is current directory. Optional, default ..
method constructor {name {runLocation .}} {

    # Creates batch ngspice simulator that can be attached to top-level Circuit.
    #  name - name of simulator object
    #  runLocation - location at which input netlist is stored and all output files will be saved,
    #   default is current directory
    my configure -name $name
    my variable Command
    global tcl_platform
    global env
    if {[string match -nocase *linux* $tcl_platform(os)]} {
        set Command [list wine $env(LTSPICE_PREFIX)]
    } elseif {[string match -nocase {*windows nt*} $tcl_platform(os)]} { ##nagelfar nocover
        set Command LTspice
    my configure -runlocation $runLocation

readData [::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch]Batch, Top, Main, Index

Reads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name.

OBJECT readData
method readData {} {

    # Reads raw data file, create RawFile object and return it's reference name.
    my variable data
    set data [::SpiceGenTcl::RawFile new [file join [my configure -runlocation] ${LastRunFileName}.raw] * ltspice]

readLog [::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch]Batch, Top, Main, Index

Reads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable.

OBJECT readLog
method readLog {} {

    # Reads log file of last simulation and save it's content to Log variable.
    set logFile [open [file join [my configure -runlocation] ${LastRunFileName}.log] r+]
    set log [read $logFile]
    close $logFile

runAndRead [::SpiceGenTcl::Ltspice::Simulators::Batch]Batch, Top, Main, Index

Runs netlist circuit file.

OBJECT runAndRead circuitStr ?-nodelete?
circuitStrTop-level netlist string.
-nodeleteFlag to forbid simulation file deletion.
method runAndRead {circuitStr args} {

    # Runs netlist circuit file.
    #  circuitStr - top-level netlist string
    #  -nodelete - flag to forbid simulation file deletion
    # Synopsis: circuitStr ?-nodelete?
    set arguments [argparse {
    my variable Command
    global tcl_platform
    set firstLine [@ [split $circuitStr \n] 0]
    set runLocation [my configure -runlocation]
    set cirFile [open [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.cir] w+]
    puts $cirFile $circuitStr
    close $cirFile
    set rawFileName [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.raw]
    set logFileName [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.log]
    set cirFileName [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.cir]
    if {[string match -nocase *linux* $tcl_platform(os)]} {
        catch {exec {*}$Command -b $cirFileName} errorStr
        #puts $errorStr
        set falseError {wine: Read access denied for device L"\\??\\Z:\\", FS volume label and serial are not available.}
        if {$errorStr ni [list "$falseError\n$falseError\n$falseError" {}]} {
            error "LTspice failed with error '$errorStr'"
    } elseif {[string match -nocase {*windows nt*} $tcl_platform(os)]} { ##nagelfar nocover
        exec {*}[list $Command -b $cirFileName]
    set LastRunFileName $firstLine
    my readLog
    my readData
    if {![info exists nodelete]} {
        file delete $rawFileName
        file delete $logFileName
        file delete $cirFileName
        if {[file exists [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.op.raw]]} {
            file delete [file join $runLocation ${firstLine}.op.raw]