Tcl SpiceGenTcl package (v0.66)

::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::MiscTop, Main, Index

ClassesTop, Main, Index

OptionsNgspice [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc]Top, Main, Index

Method summary
constructorConstructor for the class.
addParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Options.addParam
argsPreprocessSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.argsPreprocess
buildArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildArgStr
buildSwArgStrSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.buildSwArgStr
configureConfigure properties.
deleteParamSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Options.deleteParam
duplListCheckSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheck
duplListCheckRetSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Utility.duplListCheckRet
genSPICEStringSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Options.genSPICEString
getParamsSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Options.getParams
setParamValueSee ::SpiceGenTcl::Options.setParamValue

Readable: -name

Writable: -name





constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice]OptionsNgspice, Top, Main, Index

Creates object of class OptionsNgspice that describes Ngspice simulation options.

OBJECT constructor ?-key value ...? ?-key ...?
argsKeyword instance parameters.
.options opt1 opt2 ... (or opt=optval ...)

Example of class initialization:

::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice new -klu -abstol 1e-10 -maxord 6
method constructor {args} {

    # Creates object of class `OptionsNgspice` that describes Ngspice simulation options.
    #   args - keyword instance parameters
    # ```
    # .options opt1 opt2 ... (or opt=optval ...)
    # ```
    # Example of class initialization:
    # ```
    # ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Misc::OptionsNgspice new -klu -abstol 1e-10 -maxord 6
    # ```
    # Synopsis: ?-key value ...? ?-key ...?
    set swParams {sparse klu acct noacct noinit list nomod nopage node norefvalue opts seedinfo savecurrents keepopinfo noopiter noopac autostop interp badmos3 trytocompact}
    set keyValParams {seed temp tnom warn maxwarns abstol gmin gminsteps itl1 itl2 pivrel pivtol reltol rshunt vntol rseries cshunt chgtol convstep convabsstep itl3 itl4 itl5 itl6 maxevtiter maxopalter maxord method noopalter ramptime srcsteps trtol xmu defad defas defl defw scale}
    set arguments [argparse -inline "
        [my buildArgStr $keyValParams]
        [my buildSwArgStr $swParams]
    my NameProcess $arguments [self object]
    dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
        if {$paramName in $keyValParams} {
            if {([llength $value]>1) && ([@ $value 1] eq {-eq})} {
                lappend params [list $paramName [@ $value 0] -eq]
            } else {
                lappend params [list $paramName $value]
        } elseif {$paramName in $swParams} {
            lappend params [list $paramName -sw]
    ##nagelfar variable name
    next $params -name $name