::SpiceGenTcl::NgspiceTop, Main, Index
ClassesTop, Main, Index
Parser [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice]Top, Main, Index
Method summary
constructor | Constructor for the class. |
buildTopNetlist | Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file. |
configure | Configure properties. |
readAndParse | Calls methods readFile and buildTopNetlist in a sequence. |
readFile | Reads netlist file and prepare for parsing: remove redundant white space characters, collapse continuation lines and remove comments lines. |
Readable: -filepath
, -topnetlist
Writable: -filepath
, -topnetlist
constructor [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index
Creates object of class Parser
that do parsing of valid Ngspice netlist.
Parser create OBJNAME name filepath
Parser new name filepath
Parser new name filepath
name | Name of the object. |
filepath | Path to file that should be parsed. |
method constructor {name filepath} { # Creates object of class `Parser` that do parsing of valid Ngspice netlist. # name - name of the object # filepath - path to file that should be parsed set Name $name my configure -filepath $filepath set ElemsMethods [dcreate b CreateBehSource c CreateCap d CreateDio e CreateVCVS f CreateCCCS g CreateVCCS h CreateCCVS i CreateVIsource j CreateJFET k CreateCoupling l CreateInd m CreateMOSFET n CreateVeriloga q CreateBJT r CreateRes s CreateVSwitch v CreateVIsource w CreateCSwitch x CreateSubcktInst z CreateMESFET] set DotsMethods [dcreate ac CreateAc dc CreateDc func CreateFunc global CreateGlobal ic CreateIc include CreateInclude model CreateModel nodeset CreateNodeset op CreateOp options CreateOptions param CreateParam sens CreateSens sp CreateSp temp CreateTemp tran CreateTran params CreateParam lib CreateLib option CreateOptions] set SupModelsTypes {r c l sw csw d npn pnp njf pjf nmos pmos nmf pmf} my configure -topnetlist [::SpiceGenTcl::Netlist new [file tail $filepath]] set ModelTemplate {oo::class create @type@ { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Model constructor {name args} { set paramsNames [list @paramsList@] next $name @type@ [my argsPreprocess $paramsNames {*}$args] } }} set SubcircuitTemplate {oo::class create @classname@ { superclass ::SpiceGenTcl::Subcircuit constructor {} { set pins @pins@ set params @params@ next @subname@ $pins $params } }} set NamespacePath ::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice }
buildTopNetlist [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index
Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file
OBJECT buildTopNetlist
method buildTopNetlist {} { # Builds top netlist corresponding to parsed netlist file if {![info exists FileData]} { error "Parser object '[my configure -name]' doesn't have prepared data" } set allLines $FileData set topNetlist [my configure -topnetlist] my GetSubcircuitLines # parse found subcircuits definitions first if {[info exists SubcktsBoundaries]} { set subcktsBoundaries $SubcktsBoundaries dict for {subcktName subcktBounds} $subcktsBoundaries { my BuildSubcktFromDef $subcktName $subcktBounds lappend lines2remove {*}[lseq [@ $subcktBounds 0] [@ $subcktBounds 1]] } set allLines [lremove $allLines {*}$lines2remove] } my BuildNetlist $allLines $topNetlist return }
readAndParse [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index
Calls methods readFile
and buildTopNetlist
in a sequence
OBJECT readAndParse
method readAndParse {} { # Calls methods `readFile` and `buildTopNetlist` in a sequence my readFile my buildTopNetlist return }
readFile [::SpiceGenTcl::Ngspice::Parser]Parser, Top, Main, Index
Reads netlist file and prepare for parsing: remove redundant white space characters, collapse continuation lines and remove comments lines
OBJECT readFile
method readFile {} { # Reads netlist file and prepare for parsing: remove redundant white space characters, collapse continuation # lines and remove comments lines set file [open [my configure -filepath] r] set fileData [split [read $file] "\n"] close $file set fileData [lrange $fileData 1 end] # replace all sequences of white space characters with single space character foreach line $fileData { set processedLine [regsub -all {[[:space:]]+} [string trim $line] { }] if {$processedLine ne {}} { lappend lines [string tolower $processedLine] } } # find continuations and move them to line that is the start of continuation set fileData $lines set contFlag false # create a dictionary like `2 {3 4 5} 6 {7} 8 {} 9 {} 10 {} {11 12} 13 {}...` where keys are start lines, # indexes and values are the lists of lines indexes that are the continuation of the line with key index # also, skip the first line of the netlist for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $fileData]} {incr i} { set line [@ $fileData $i] if {[string index $line 0] eq "+"} { if {$contFlag} { dict lappend continLinesIndex $startIndex $i continue } dict append continLinesIndex [= {$i-1}] set startIndex [= {$i-1}] dict lappend continLinesIndex $startIndex $i set contFlag true } else { set contFlag false dict append continLinesIndex $i } } # append continuation lines to start line of each continuation list with first symbol removal (it is assumed # to be `+` symbol) if {[info exists continLinesIndex]} { dict map {lineIndex contLinesIndexes} $continLinesIndex { if {$contLinesIndexes eq {}} { lappend finalList [@ $fileData $lineIndex] } else { set locList [@ $fileData $lineIndex] foreach contLineIndex $contLinesIndexes { lappend locList [string trim [string range [@ $fileData $contLineIndex] 1 end]] } lappend finalList [join $locList] } } } else { set finalList $fileData } # remove all comments that start with `*` symbol set finalList [lsearch -all -inline -not -glob $finalList {\**}] # remove all end of line comments that starts with symbols \;, \$ and // foreach line $finalList { if {[set index [string first {;} $line]]!=-1} { set line [string trim [string range $line 0 [= {$index-1}]]] } elseif {[set index [string first {$} $line]]!=-1} { set line [string trim [string range $line 0 [= {$index-1}]]] } elseif {[set index [string first {//} $line]]!=-1} { set line [string trim [string range $line 0 [= {$index-1}]]] } lappend tempList $line } set finalList $tempList # remove control section that starts with .control and ends with .endc for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $finalList]} {incr i} { set line [@ $finalList $i] if {[regexp {^\.control\s?} $line]} { set controlStart $i } elseif {[regexp {^\.endc\s?} $line]} { set controlEnd $i } if {[info exists controlStart] && [info exists controlEnd]} { break } } if {[info exists controlStart] && [info exists controlEnd]} { set finalList [lreplace $finalList $controlStart $controlEnd] } # remove spaces after `{` and before `}`, replace `= `, ` = ` and ` =` with single `=` foreach line $finalList { lappend finalList1 [string map [list "\{ " "\{" " \}" "\}" " = " "=" " =" "=" "= " "="] $line] } set FileData $finalList1 return }