method duplListCheck {list} {
# Checks if list contains duplicates.# list - list to check# Returns: 0 if there are no duplicates and 1 if there are.set itemDup ""
set new {}
foreach item $list {
if {[lsearch $new $item] < 0} {
lappend new $item
} else {
set itemDup $item
return $itemDup
Creates optimization object that does least squares fitting using modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
OBJECT constructor-funct value -m value -pdata value ?-ftol value? ?-xtol value? ?-gtol value? ?-stepfactor value? ?-covtol value? ?-maxiter value? ?-maxfev value? ?-epsfcn value? ?-nofinitecheck?
Range tolerance for covariance calculation. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-14.
Finite derivative step size. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 2.2204460e-16.
Control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol. Therefore, ftol measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-10.
Name of the procedure that should be minimized.
Control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. Therefore, gtol measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-10.
Number of data points.
Control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the number of calls to funct is at least maxfev by the end of an iteration. Value must be the positive integer, default is 0. If it equals to 0, number of evaluations is not restricted.
Maximum number of iterations. If maxiter equal to 0, then basic error checking is done, and parameter errors/covariances are estimated based on input arameter values, but no fitting iterations are done. Value must be the positive integer, default is 200.
Enable check for infinite quantities, default is off.
List or dictionary that provides private data to funct that is needed to evaluate residuals. Usually it contains x and y values lists, but you can provide any data necessary for function residuals evaluation. Will be passed upon each function evaluation without modification.
Used in determining the initial step bound. This bound is set to the product of factor and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor itself. in most cases factor should lie in the interval (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 100.
Control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most xtol. Therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-10.
Class uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, it will be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a set of parameters. mpfit is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators. The user-supplied function should compute an array of weighted deviations between model and data. In a typical scientific problem the residuals should be weighted so that each deviate has a gaussian sigma of 1.0. If x represents values of the independent variable, y represents a measurement for each value of x, and err represents the error in the measurements, then the deviates could be calculated as follows:
where m is the number of data points, and where f is the function representing the model evaluated at x. If ERR are the 1-sigma uncertainties in Y, then the sum of deviates squared will be the total chi-squared value, which mpfit will seek to minimize. Simple constraints are placed on parameter values by adding objects of class ::tclopt::ParameterMpfit to mpfit with method [:tclopt::Mpfit::addPars], where other parameter-specific options can be set. For details of how to specify constraints, please look at the description of [::tclopt::parCreate] procedure. Please note, that order in which we attach parameters objects is the order in which values will be supplied to minimized function, and the order in which resulted will be written to X property of the class. Example of user defined function (using linear equation t=a+b*x):
proc f {xall pdata args} {
set x [dget $pdata x]
set y [dget $pdata y]
set ey [dget $pdata ey]
foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {
set f [= {[@ $xall 0]+[@ $xall 1]*$xVal}]
lappend fval [= {($yVal-$f)/$eyVal}]
return [dcreate fvec $fval]
where xall is list of initial parameters values, pdata - dictionary that contains x, y and ey lists with length m. It returns dictionary with residuals values. Alternative form of function f could also provide analytical derivatives:
The first element of the args list is a list specifying the ordinal numbers of the parameters for which we need to calculate the analytical derivative. In this case, the returned dvec list contains the derivative at each x point for each specified parameter, following the same order as in the input list. For example, if the input list is {0, 2} and the number m of x points is 3, the dvec list will look like this:
method constructor {args} {
# Creates optimization object that does least squares fitting using modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.# -funct - name of the procedure that should be minimized# -m - number of data points# -pdata - list or dictionary that provides private data to funct that is needed to evaluate residuals. Usually# it contains x and y values lists, but you can provide any data necessary for function residuals evaluation.# Will be passed upon each function evaluation without modification.# -ftol - control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative# reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol. Therefore, ftol measures the relative error desired# in the sum of squares. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-10.# -xtol - control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive# iterates is at most xtol. Therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution.# Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is 1e-10.# -gtol - control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any# column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. Therefore, gtol measures the orthogonality desired# between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Value must be of the type float more than zero,# default is 1e-10.# -maxfev - control termination of mpfit. Termination occurs when the number of calls to funct is at least# maxfev by the end of an iteration. Value must be the positive integer, default is 0. If it equals to 0,# number of evaluations is not restricted.# -stepfactor - used in determining the initial step bound. This bound is set to the product of factor and the# euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to factor itself. in most cases factor should lie in the# interval (.1,100.). 100. is a generally recommended value. Value must be of the type float more than zero,# default is 100.# -covtol - range tolerance for covariance calculation. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default# is 1e-14.# -maxiter - maximum number of iterations. If maxiter equal to 0, then basic error checking is done, and# parameter errors/covariances are estimated based on input arameter values, but no fitting iterations are# done. Value must be the positive integer, default is 200.# -epsfcn - finite derivative step size. Value must be of the type float more than zero, default is# 2.2204460e-16.# -nofinitecheck - enable check for infinite quantities, default is off.# Returns: object of class## Class uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, it will# be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a# set of parameters. mpfit is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators.# The user-supplied function should compute an array of weighted deviations between model and data. In a typical# scientific problem the residuals should be weighted so that each deviate has a gaussian sigma of 1.0. If x# represents values of the independent variable, y represents a measurement for each value of x, and err# represents the error in the measurements, then the deviates could be calculated as follows:# ```# for {set i 0} {$i<$m} {incr i} {# lset deviates $i [expr {([lindex $y $i] - [f [lindex $x $i]])/[lindex $err $i]}]# }# ```# where m is the number of data points, and where f is the function representing the model evaluated at x. If ERR# are the 1-sigma uncertainties in Y, then the sum of deviates squared will be the total chi-squared value, which# mpfit will seek to minimize.# Simple constraints are placed on parameter values by adding objects of class [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit] to# mpfit with method [:tclopt::Mpfit::addPars], where other parameter-specific options can be set.# For details of how to specify constraints, please look at the# description of [::tclopt::parCreate] procedure. Please note, that order in which we attach parameters objects# is the order in which values will be supplied to minimized function, and the order in which resulted will# be written to X property of the class.# Example of user defined function (using linear equation t=a+b*x):# ```# proc f {xall pdata args} {# set x [dget $pdata x]# set y [dget $pdata y]# set ey [dget $pdata ey]# foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {# set f [= {[@ $xall 0]+[@ $xall 1]*$xVal}]# lappend fval [= {($yVal-$f)/$eyVal}]# }# return [dcreate fvec $fval]# }# ```# where xall is list of initial parameters values, pdata - dictionary that contains x, y and ey lists with# length m. It returns dictionary with residuals values.# Alternative form of function f could also provide analytical derivatives:# ```# proc quadfunc {xall pdata args} {# set x [dget $pdata x]# set y [dget $pdata y]# set ey [dget $pdata ey]# foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {# lappend fvec [= {($yVal-[@ $xall 0]-[@ $xall 1]*$xVal-[@ $xall 2]*$xVal*$xVal)/$eyVal}]# }# if {[@ $args 0]!=""} {# set derivs [@ $args 0]# foreach deriv $derivs {# if {$deriv==0} {# foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {# lappend dvec [= {-1/$eyVal}]# }# }# if {$deriv==1} {# foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {# lappend dvec [= {(-$xVal)/$eyVal}]# }# }# if {$deriv==2} {# foreach xVal $x yVal $y eyVal $ey {# lappend dvec [= {(-$xVal*$xVal)/$eyVal}]# }# }# }# return [dcreate fvec $fvec dvec $dvec]# } else {# return [dcreate fvec $fvec]# }# }# ```# The first element of the `args` list is a list specifying the ordinal numbers of the parameters for which we# need to calculate the analytical derivative. In this case, the returned `dvec` list contains the derivative at# each x point for each specified parameter, following the same order as in the input list. For example, if the# input list is {0, 2} and the number m of x points is 3, the `dvec` list will look like this:# ```# ⎛⎛df ⎞ ⎛df ⎞ ⎛df ⎞ ⎛df ⎞ ⎛df ⎞ ⎛df ⎞ ⎞# ⎜⎜───⎟ ⎜───⎟ ⎜───⎟ ⎜───⎟ ⎜───⎟ ⎜───⎟ ⎟# ⎜⎝dp0⎠ ⎝dp0⎠ ⎝dp0⎠ ⎝dp2⎠ ⎝dp2⎠ ⎝dp2⎠ ⎟# ⎝ x0 x1 x2 x0 x1 x2⎠# ```## Description of keys and data in returned dictionary:# -bestnorm - final chi^2# -orignorm - starting value of chi^2# -status - fitting status code# -niter - number of iterations# -nfev - number of function evaluations# -npar - total number of parameters# -nfree - number of free parameters# -npegged - number of pegged parameters# -nfunc - number of residuals (= num. of data points)# -resid - list of final residuals# -xerror - final parameter uncertainties (1-sigma), in the order of elements in `Pars` property dictionary.# -x - final parameters values list in the order of elements in `Pars` property dictionary.# -debug - string with derivatives debugging output# -covar - final parameters covariance matrix.# You can also access all results by [my configure propertyName] mechanism.## Synopsis: -funct value -m value -pdata value ?-ftol value? ?-xtol value? ?-gtol value? ?-stepfactor value?# ?-covtol value? ?-maxiter value? ?-maxfev value? ?-epsfcn value? ?-nofinitecheck?
argparse {
{-funct= -required}
{-m= -required}
{-pdata= -default ""}
{-ftol= -default 1e-10}
{-xtol= -default 1e-10}
{-gtol= -default 1e-10}
{-stepfactor= -default 100}
{-covtol= -default 1e-14}
{-maxiter= -default 200}
{-maxfev= -default 0}
{-epsfcn= -default 2.2204460e-16}
{-nofinitecheck -boolean}
my configure -funct $funct
my configure -m $m
my configure -pdata $pdata
my configure -ftol $ftol
my configure -gtol $gtol
my configure -xtol $xtol
my configure -stepfactor $stepfactor
my configure -covtol $covtol
my configure -maxiter $maxiter
my configure -maxfev $maxfev
my configure -epsfcn $epsfcn
my configure -nofinitecheck $nofinitecheck
method <WriteProp-covtol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "covtol value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set covtol $value
} else {
return -code error "covtol value '$value' must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-epsfcn> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "epsfcn value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set epsfcn $value
} else {
return -code error "epsfcn value '$value' must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-ftol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "ftol value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set ftol $value
} else {
return -code error "ftol value '$value' must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-funct> {value} {
if {$value==""} {
return -code error "Function must have a name, empty string was provided"
} elseif {$value ni [info commands $value]} {
return -code error "Function with name '$value' does not exist"
} else {
set funct $value
method <WriteProp-gtol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "gtol value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set gtol $value
} else {
return -code error "gtol value '$value' must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-m> {value} {
if {[string is integer -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "Number of values m must be more than 0"
} else {
set m $value
} else {
return -code error "Number of values m '$value' must be an integer type"
method <WriteProp-maxfev> {value} {
if {[string is integer -strict $value]} {
if {$value<0} {
return -code error "Maximum number of function evaluations '$value' must be more than or equal to 0"
} else {
set maxfev $value
} else {
return -code error "Maximum number of function evaluations '$value' must be an integer type"
method <WriteProp-maxiter> {value} {
if {[string is integer -strict $value]} {
if {$value<0} {
return -code error "Maximum iterations number '$value' must be more than or equal to 0"
} else {
set maxiter $value
} else {
return -code error "Maximum iterations number '$value' must be an integer type"
method <WriteProp-nofinitecheck> {value} {
if {[string is boolean -strict $value]} {
set nofinitecheck $value
} else {
return -code error "nofinitecheck property value '$value' must be a boolean type"
method <WriteProp-stepfactor> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "stepfactor value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set stepfactor $value
} else {
return -code error "stepfactor value '$value' must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-xtol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "xtol value '$value' must be more than zero"
} else {
set xtol $value
} else {
return -code error "xtol value '$value' must be a double type"
method Covar {n r ldr ipvt tol} {
# n - is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r# r - is an ldr by n array# ldr - the leading dimension of the array r# ipvt - input array of length n which defines the permutation matrix p# tol - nonnegative input variable used to define the numerical rank of a in the manner described above# Returns: dictionary# Synopsis: -x list -y list -xi listset rLen [llength $r]
::tclopt::lists2arrays [list rArray] [list $r]
::tclopt::lists2arrays [list ipvtArray] [list $ipvt] int
::tclopt::newArrays [list waArray] [list $n]
::tclopt::mp_covar $n $rArray $ldr $ipvtArray $tol $waArray
::tclopt::arrays2lists [list rList waList] [list $rArray $waArray] [list $rLen $n]
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $rArray $waArray]
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $ipvtArray] int
return [dcreate r $rList wa $waList]
method getAllPars {} {
# Gets names of all parameters.# Returns: list of elements namesif {![info exists Pars]} {
return -code error "There are no parameters attached to optimizer"
} else {
return $Pars
method getAllParsNames {} {
# Gets names of all parameters.# Returns: list of elements namesif {![info exists Pars]} {
return -code error "There are no parameters attached to optimizer"
} else {
return [dkeys $Pars]
method Lmpar {n r ldr ipvt ifree diag qtb delta par} {
# n - is a positive integer input variable set to the order of r# r - is an ldr by n array# ldr - the leading dimension of the array r# ipvt - input array of length n which defines the permutation matrix p# diag - array of length n which must contain the diagonal elements of the matrix d# qtb - is an input array of length n which must contain the first n elements of the vector (q transpose)*b# delta - is a positive input variable which specifies an upper bound on the euclidean norm of d*x# par - is a nonnegative variable. on input par contains an initial estimate of the levenberg-marquardt parameter.# Returns: dictionary# Synopsis: -x list -y list -xi listset rLen [llength $r]
::tclopt::lists2arrays [list rArray diagArray qtbArray] [list $r $diag $qtb]
::tclopt::lists2arrays [list ipvtArray ifreeArray] [list $ipvt $ifree] int
::tclopt::newDoubleps [list parPnt]
::tclopt::doublep_assign $parPnt $par
::tclopt::newArrays [list xArray sdiagArray wa1Array wa2Array] [list $n $n $n $n]
::tclopt::mp_lmpar $n $rArray $ldr $ipvtArray $ifreeArray $diagArray $qtbArray $delta $parPnt $xArray $sdiagArray $wa1Array $wa2Array
::tclopt::arrays2lists [list rList xList sdiagList wa1List wa2List] [list $rArray $xArray $sdiagArray $wa1Array $wa2Array] [list $rLen $n $n $n $n]
set parVal [::tclopt::doublep_value $parPnt]
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $rArray $xArray $sdiagArray $wa1Array $wa2Array]
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $ipvtArray $ifreeArray] int
::tclopt::deleteDoubleps $parPnt
return [dcreate par $parVal r $rList x $xList sdiag $sdiagList wa1 $wa1List wa2 $wa2List]
method Qfrac {mLoc n a lda pivot lipvt} {
# Does QR factorization# mLoc - number of rows of matrix a# n - number of columns of matrix a# a - matrix of size m by n in form of 1d list [[column0] [column1] [column2] ... [columnn]]# lda - leading dimension of a# pivot - true for column pivoting enforcing# lipvt - a positive integer input variable. if pivot is false,# then lipvt may be as small as 1. if pivot is true, then# lipvt must be at least n.# Returns: dictionary# Synopsis: -x list -y list -xi listset aLen [llength $a]
::tclopt::lists2arrays [list aArray] [list $a]
::tclopt::newArrays [list rdiagArray acnormArray waArray] [list $n $n $n]
::tclopt::newArrays [list ipvtArray] [list $lipvt] int
::tclopt::mp_qrfac $mLoc $n $aArray $lda $pivot $ipvtArray $lipvt $rdiagArray $acnormArray $waArray
::tclopt::arrays2lists [list aList rdiagList acnormList waList] [list $aArray $rdiagArray $acnormArray $waArray] [list $aLen $n $n $n]
::tclopt::arrays2lists [list ipvtList] [list $ipvtArray] [list $lipvt] int
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $aArray $rdiagArray $acnormArray $waArray]
::tclopt::deleteArrays [list $ipvtArray] int
return [dcreate a $aList rdiag $rdiagList acnorm $acnormList wa $waList ipvt $ipvtList]
method run {} {
# Runs optimization.# Returns: dictionary containing resulted dataset sideMap [dict create auto 0 right 1 left -1 both 2 an 3]
set one 1.0
set p1 0.1
set p5 0.5
set p25 0.25
set p75 0.75
set p0001 1e-4
set zero 0.0
if {![info exists Pars]} {
return -code error "At least one parameter must be attached to optimizer before call to run"
set pars [dvalues [my getAllPars]]
set npar [llength $pars]
set pdata [my configure -pdata]
set funct [my configure -funct]
set mLoc [my configure -m]
foreach par $pars {
lappend xall [$par configure -initval]
set ftol [my configure -ftol]
set xtol [my configure -xtol]
set gtol [my configure -gtol]
set stepfactor [my configure -stepfactor]
set covtol [my configure -covtol]
set maxiter [my configure -maxiter]
set maxfev [my configure -maxfev]
set epsfcn [my configure -epsfcn]
set nofinitecheck [my configure -nofinitecheck]
set iflag 0
set qanylim 0
set npegged 0
set nfev 0
set info 0
set fnorm -1.0
set fnorm1 -1.0
set xnorm -1.0
set delta 0.0
set par 0.0
foreach par $pars {
if {[$par configure -fixed]} {
lappend pfixed 1
} else {
lappend pfixed 0
if {[catch {$par configure -step}]} {
lappend step 0
} else {
lappend step [$par configure -step]
if {[catch {$par configure -relstep}]} {
lappend dstep 0
} else {
lappend dstep [$par configure -relstep]
lappend mpside [dict get $sideMap [$par configure -side]]
if {![$par configure -debugder]} {
lappend ddebug 0
lappend ddrtol 0
lappend ddatol 0
} else {
lappend ddebug 1
lappend ddrtol [$par configure -derivreltol]
lappend ddatol [$par configure -derivabstol]
# Finish up the free parametersset nfree 0
for {set i 0} {$i<$npar} {incr i} {
lappend ifree 0
set j 0
for {set i 0} {$i<$npar} {incr i} {
if {[@ $pfixed $i]==0} {
incr nfree
lset ifree $j $i
incr j
if {$nfree==0} {
return -code error "All parameters are fixed, optimization is not possible"
# allocate lists with zerosfor {set i 0} {$i<$npar} {incr i} {
lappend qllim 0
lappend qulim 0
lappend llim 0
lappend ulim 0
for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
set par [@ $pars [@ $ifree $i]]
if {[catch {$par configure -lowlim}]} {
lset qllim $i 0
lset llim $i 0
} else {
lset qllim $i 1
lset llim $i [$par configure -lowlim]
if {[catch {$par configure -uplim}]} {
lset qulim $i 0
lset ulim $i 0
} else {
lset qulim $i 1
lset ulim $i [$par configure -uplim]
if {[@ $qllim $i] || [@ $qulim $i]} {
set qanylim 1
if {$mLoc<$nfree} {
return -code error "Degree of freedom check failed because of 'm=$mLoc>=n=$nfree'"
# allocate temporary storagefor {set i 0} {$i<$npar} {incr i} {
lappend diag 0
for {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lappend wa4 0
set ldfjac $mLoc
# Evaluate user function with initial parameter valuesset fvec [dget [$funct $xall $pdata] fvec]
if {[llength $fvec]!=$mLoc} {
return -code error "Length of list '[llength $fvec]' returned from the function is less than m '$mLoc' value"
incr nfev
set fnorm [my Enorm $fvec]
#puts $fnormset orignorm [= {$fnorm*$fnorm}]
# Make a new copyset xnew $xall
# Transfer free parameters to 'x'for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lappend x [@ $xall [@ $ifree $i]]
# Initialize Levelberg-Marquardt parameter and iteration counterset par 0.0
set iter 1
for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lappend qtf 0
# Beginning of the outer loopwhile {true} {
# puts "beginning of the outer loop"for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lset xnew [@ $ifree $i] [@ $x $i]
# Calculate the jacobian matrixset fdjac2Data [my Fdjac2 $funct $mLoc $ifree $nfree $xnew $fvec $ldfjac $epsfcn $pdata $nfev $step $dstep $mpside $qulim $ulim $ddebug $ddrtol $ddatol]
set fjac [dget $fdjac2Data fjac]
set nfev [dget $fdjac2Data nfev]
if {[dexist $fdjac2Data debug]} {
lappend debugOutput {*}[dget $fdjac2Data debug]
# Determine if any of the parameters are pegged at the limitsif {$qanylim} {
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
set lpegged [= {[@ $qllim $j] && ([@ $x $j]==[@ $llim $j])}]
set upegged [= {[@ $qulim $j] && ([@ $x $j]==[@ $ulim $j])}]
set sum 0
# If the parameter is pegged at a limit, compute the gradient directionif {$lpegged || $upegged} {
set ij [= {$j*$ldfjac}]
for {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
set sum [= {$sum+[@ $fvec $i]*[@ $fjac $ij]}]
incr ij
# If pegged at lower limit and gradient is toward negative then reset gradient to zeroif {$lpegged && ($sum>0)} {
set ij [= {$j*$ldfjac}]
for {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lset fjac $ij 0
incr ij
# If pegged at upper limit and gradient is toward positive then reset gradient to zeroif {$upegged && ($sum<0)} {
set ij [= {$j*$ldfjac}]
for {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lset fjac $ij 0
incr ij
# Compute the QR factorization of the jacobianset qfracData [my Qfrac $mLoc $nfree $fjac $ldfjac 1 $nfree]
set ipvt [dget $qfracData ipvt]
set fjac [dget $qfracData a]
set wa1 [dget $qfracData rdiag]
set wa2 [dget $qfracData acnorm]
set wa3 [dget $qfracData wa]
# on the first iteration and if mode is 1, scale according to the norms of the columns of the initial jacobian.if {$iter==1} {
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset diag [@ $ifree $j] [@ $wa2 $j]
if {[@ $wa2 $j]==$zero} {
lset diag [@ $ifree $j] $one
# on the first iteration, calculate the norm of the scaled x and initialize the step bound delta.for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa3 $j [= {[@ $diag [@ $ifree $j]]*[@ $x $j]}]
set xnorm [my Enorm $wa3]
set delta [= {$stepfactor*$xnorm}]
if {$delta==$zero} {
set delta $stepfactor
# form (q transpose)*fvec and store the first n components in qtffor {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lset wa4 $i [@ $fvec $i]
set jj 0
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
set temp3 [@ $fjac $jj]
if {$temp3!=$zero} {
set sum $zero
set ij $jj
for {set i $j} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
set sum [= {$sum+[@ $fjac $ij]*[@ $wa4 $i]}]
incr ij; # fjac[i+m*j]
set temp [= {-$sum/$temp3}]
set ij $jj
for {set i $j} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lset wa4 $i [= {[@ $wa4 $i]+[@ $fjac $ij]*$temp}]
incr ij; # fjac[i+m*j]
lset fjac $jj [@ $wa1 $j]
incr jj [= {$mLoc+1}]; # fjac[j+m*j]"lset qtf $j [@ $wa4 $j]
# (From this point on, only the square matrix, consisting of the triangle of R, is needed.)if {$nofinitecheck} {
# Check for overflow. This should be a cheap test here since FJAC# has been reduced to a (small) square matrix, and the test is O(N^2).set off 0
set nonfinite 0
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
if {[@ $fjac [= {$off+$i}]]>$::tclopt::MP_GIANT} {
set nonfinite 1
incr off $ldfjac
if {$nonfinite} {
return -code error "Overflow occured during finite check"
# compute the norm of the scaled gradient.set gnorm $zero
if {$fnorm!=$zero} {
set jj 0
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
set l [@ $ipvt $j]
if {[@ $wa2 $l]!=$zero} {
set sum $zero
set ij $jj
for {set i 0} {$i<=$j} {incr i} {
set sum [= {$sum+[@ $fjac $ij]*[@ $qtf $i]/$fnorm}]
incr ij; # fjac[i+m*j]
set gnorm [my Dmax1 $gnorm [= {abs($sum/[@ $wa2 $l])}]]
incr jj $mLoc
# test for convergence of the gradient norm.if {$gnorm<=$gtol} {
set info "Convergence in orthogonality"
if {$info!=0} {
if {$maxiter==0} {
set info "Maximum number of iterations reached"
# rescalefor {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset diag [@ $ifree $j] [my Dmax1 [@ $diag [@ $ifree $j]] [@ $wa2 $j]]
# beginning of the inner loop.while {true} {
# determine the levenberg-marquardt parameter.set lmparData [my Lmpar $nfree $fjac $ldfjac $ipvt $ifree $diag $qtf $delta $par]
set fjac [dget $lmparData r]
set par [dget $lmparData par]
set wa1 [dget $lmparData x]
set wa2 [dget $lmparData sdiag]
set wa3 [dget $lmparData wa1]
# store the direction p and x + p. calculate the norm of p.for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa1 $j [= {-[@ $wa1 $j]}]
set alpha 1.0
if {$qanylim==0} {
# No parameter limits, so just move to new position WA2for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa2 $j [= {[@ $x $j]+[@ $wa1 $j]}]
} else {
# Respect the limits. If a step were to go out of bounds, then# we should take a step in the same direction but shorter distance.# The step should take us right to the limit in that case.for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
set lpegged [= {[@ $qllim $j] && ([@ $x $j]<=[@ $llim $j])}]
set upegged [= {[@ $qulim $j] && ([@ $x $j]>=[@ $ulim $j])}]
set dwa1 [= {abs([@ $wa1 $j])>$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0}]
if {$lpegged && ([@ $wa1 $j]<0)} {
lset wa1 $j 0
if {$upegged && ([@ $wa1 $j]>0)} {
lset wa1 $j 0
if {$dwa1 && [@ $qllim $j] && ([= {[@ $x $j]+[@ $wa1 $j]}]<[@ $llim $j])} {
set alpha [my Dmin1 $alpha [= {([@ $llim $j]-[@ $x $j])/[@ $wa1 $j]}]]
if {$dwa1 && [@ $qulim $j] && ([= {[@ $x $j]+[@ $wa1 $j]}]>[@ $ulim $j])} {
set alpha [my Dmin1 $alpha [= {([@ $ulim $j]-[@ $x $j])/[@ $wa1 $j]}]]
# Scale the resulting vector, advance to the next positionfor {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa1 $j [= {[@ $wa1 $j]*$alpha}]
lset wa2 $j [= {[@ $x $j]+[@ $wa1 $j]}]
# Adjust the output values. If the step put us exactly on a boundary, make sure it is exact.set sgnu [= {([@ $ulim $j]>=0) ? 1 : -1}]
set sgnl [= {([@ $llim $j]>=0) ? 1 : -1}]
set ulim1 [= {[@ $ulim $j]*(1-$sgnu*$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0)- (([@ $ulim $j]==0) ? $::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0 : 0)}]
set llim1 [= {[@ $llim $j]*(1+$sgnl*$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0)+ (([@ $llim $j]==0) ? $::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0 : 0)}]
if {[@ $qulim $j] && ([@ $wa2 $j]>=$ulim1)} {
lset wa2 $j [@ $ulim $j]
if {[@ $qllim $j] && ([@ $wa2 $j]<=$llim1)} {
lset wa2 $j [@ $llim $j]
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa3 $j [= {[@ $diag [@ $ifree $j]]*[@ $wa1 $j]}]
set pnorm [my Enorm $wa3]
# on the first iteration, adjust the initial step bound.if {$iter==1} {
set delta [my Dmin1 $delta $pnorm]
# evaluate the function at x + p and calculate its norm.for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lset xnew [@ $ifree $i] [@ $wa2 $i]
set functData [$funct $xnew $pdata]
set wa4 [dget $functData fvec]
incr nfev
set fnorm1 [my Enorm $wa4]
# compute the scaled actual reduction.set actred [= {-$one}]
if {[= {$p1*$fnorm1}]<$fnorm} {
set temp [= {$fnorm1/$fnorm}]
set actred [= {$one-$temp*$temp}]
# compute the scaled predicted reduction and the scaled directional derivative.set jj 0
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset wa3 $j $zero
set l [@ $ipvt $j]
set temp [@ $wa1 $l]
set ij $jj
for {set i 0} {$i<=$j} {incr i} {
lset wa3 $i [= {[@ $wa3 $i]+[@ $fjac $ij]*$temp}]
incr ij
incr jj $mLoc
# Remember, alpha is the fraction of the full LM step actually takenset temp1 [= {[my Enorm $wa3]*$alpha/$fnorm}]
set temp2 [= {sqrt($par*$alpha)*$pnorm/$fnorm}]
set prered [= {$temp1*$temp1+($temp2*$temp2)/$p5}]
set dirder [= {-($temp1*$temp1+$temp2*$temp2)}]
# compute the ratio of the actual to the predicted reductionset ratio $zero
if {$prered!=$zero} {
set ratio [= {$actred/$prered}]
# update the step bound.if {$ratio<=$p25} {
if {$actred>=$zero} {
set temp $p5
} else {
set temp [= {$p5*$dirder/($dirder+$p5*$actred)}]
if {([= {$p1*$fnorm1}]>=$fnorm) || ($temp<$p1)} {
set temp $p1
set delta [= {$temp*[my Dmin1 $delta [= {$pnorm/$p1}]]}]
set par [= {$par/$temp}]
} else {
if {($par==$zero) || ($ratio>=$p75)} {
set delta [= {$pnorm/$p5}]
set par [= {$p5*$par}]
# test for successful iteration.if {$ratio>=$p0001} {
# successful iteration. update x, fvec, and their norms.for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
lset x $j [@ $wa2 $j]
#puts $xlset wa2 $j [= {[@ $diag [@ $ifree $j]]*[@ $x $j]}]
for {set i 0} {$i<$mLoc} {incr i} {
lset fvec $i [@ $wa4 $i]
set xnorm [my Enorm $wa2]
set fnorm $fnorm1
incr iter
# tests for convergence.if {(abs($actred)<=$ftol) && ($prered<=$ftol) && ($p5*$ratio<=$one)} {
set info "Convergence in chi-square value"
if {$delta<=($xtol*$xnorm)} {
set info "Convergence in parameter value"
if {(abs($actred)<=$ftol) && ($prered<=$ftol) && ($p5*$ratio<=$one) && ($info==2)} {
set info "Both convergence in parameter value and convergence in chi-square value hold"
if {$info!=0} {
# tests for termination and stringent tolerances.if {$maxfev>0 && $nfev>=$maxfev} {
# Too many function evaluationsset info "Maximum number of function evaluations reached"
if {$iter>=$maxiter} {
# Too many iterationsset info "Maximum number of iterations reached"
if {(abs($actred)<=$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0) && ($prered<=$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0) && ($p5*$ratio<=$one)} {
set info "ftol is too small, no further improvement"
if {$delta<=$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0*$xnorm} {
set info "xtol is too small, no further improvement"
if {$gnorm<=$::tclopt::MP_MACHEP0} {
set info "gtol is too small, no further improvement"
if {$info!=0} {
# end of the inner loop. repeat if iteration unsuccessful.if {$ratio<$p0001} {
} else {
if {$info!=0} {
# termination, either normal or user imposed.for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lset xall [@ $ifree $i] [@ $x $i]
if {$info>0} {
set functData [$funct $xall $pdata]
set fvec [dget $functData fvec]
incr nfev
# Compute number of pegged parametersset npegged 0
for {set i 0} {$i<$npar} {incr i} {
set par [@ $pars $i]
if {[catch {$par configure -lowlim}]} {
set parsLim0 0
} else {
set parsLim0 [$par configure -lowlim]
if {[catch {$par configure -uplim}]} {
set parsLim1 0
} else {
set parsLim1 [$par configure -uplim]
if {($parsLim0 && ($parsLim0==[@ $xall $i])) || ($parsLim1 && ($parsLim1==[@ $xall $i]))} {
incr npegged
# Compute and return the covariance matrix and/or parameter errorsset covarData [my Covar $nfree $fjac $ldfjac $ipvt $covtol]
set fjac [dget $covarData r]
set wa2 [dget $covarData wa]
for {set j 0} {$j<$npar*$npar} {incr j} {
lappend covar 0.0
# Transfer the covariance arrayfor {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
for {set i 0} {$i<$nfree} {incr i} {
lset covar [= {int([@ $ifree $j]*$npar+[@ $ifree $i])}] [@ $fjac [= {int($j*$ldfjac+$i)}]]
for {set j 0} {$j<$npar} {incr j} {
lappend xerror 0.0
for {set j 0} {$j<$nfree} {incr j} {
set cc [@ $fjac [= {int($j*$ldfjac+$j)}]]
if {$cc>0} {
lset xerror [@ $ifree $j] [= {sqrt($cc)}]
set bestnorm [= {[my Dmax1 $fnorm $fnorm1]**2}]
for {set j 0} {$j<$mLoc} {incr j} {
lappend resid [@ $fvec $j]
if {[info exists debugOutput]} {
set debugOutput [join $debugOutput "\n"]
} else {
set debugOutput ""
set resDict [dcreate bestnorm $bestnorm orignorm $orignorm status $info niter $iter nfev $nfev npar $npar nfree $nfree npegged $npegged nfunc $m resid $resid xerror $xerror x $xall debug $debugOutput covar $covar]
my configure -results $resDict
return $resDict
method constructor {name initval args} {
argparse {
{-fixed -boolean}
my configure -fixed $fixed
my configure -initval $initval
my configure -name $name
if {[info exists lowlim]} {
if {$lowlim>$initval} {
return -code error "Initial value must be higher than the lower limit"
my configure -lowlim $lowlim
if {[info exists uplim]} {
if {[info exists lowlim]} {
if {$lowlim>=$uplim} {
return -code error "Lower limit must be lower than the upper limit"
if {$uplim<$initval} {
return -code error "Initial value must be lower than the upper limit"
my configure -uplim $uplim
method <WriteProp-fixed> {value} {
if {[string is boolean -strict $value]} {
set fixed $value
} else {
return -code error "fixed property value '$value' must be a boolean type"
method <WriteProp-initval> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
set initval $value
} else {
return -code error "Initial value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-lowlim> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
set lowlim $value
} else {
return -code error "Lower limit value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-name> {value} {
if {$value==""} {
return -code error "Parameter must have a name, empty string was provided"
} elseif {[regexp {[^A-Za-z0-9_]+} $value]} {
return -code error "Parameter name '$value' is not a valid name"
set name $value
method <WriteProp-uplim> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
set uplim $value
} else {
return -code error "Upper limit value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
OBJECT constructorvalue value ?-fixed? ?-lowlim value? ?-uplim value? ?-step value? ?-relstep value? ?-side value? ?-debugder -debugreltol value -debugabstol value?
Name of the parameter.
Initial value of parameter.
Absolute error that controls printing of derivatives comparison if absolute error exceeds this value. Requires -debugder and -debugreltol.
Switch to enable console debug logging of user-computed derivatives, as described above. Note that when debugging is enabled, then -side should be set to auto, right, left or both, depending on which numerical derivative you wish to compare to. Requires -debugreltol and -debugabstol values.
Relative error that controls printing of derivatives comparison if relative error exceeds this value. Requires -debugder and -debugabstol.
Specify that parameter is fixed during optimization, optional.
Specify lower limit for parameter, must be lower than upper limit if upper limit is provided, optional.
The relative step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the -step setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen.
The sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: auto : one-sided derivative computed automatically, right : one-sided derivative (f(x+h)-f(x))/h, left : one-sided derivative (f(x)-f(x-h))/h, both : two-sided derivative (f(x+h)-f(x-h))/(2*h), an : user-computed explicit derivatives, where h is the -step parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default is auto.
The step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically, optional.
Specify upper limit for parameter, must be higher than lower limit if lower limit is provided, optional.
Example of building 4 parameters with different constraints:
set par0 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new a 1.0 -fixed -side both]
set par1 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new b 2.0]
set par2 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new c 0.0 -fixed]
set par3 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new d 0.1 -lowlim -0.3 -uplim 0.2]
method constructor {name initval args} {
# Creates parameter object for [::tclopt::Mpfit] class.# name - name of the parameter# initval - initial value of parameter# -fixed - specify that parameter is fixed during optimization, optional# -lowlim - specify lower limit for parameter, must be lower than upper limit if upper limit is provided,# optional# -uplim - specify upper limit for parameter, must be higher than lower limit if lower limit is provided,# optional# -step - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step# size is computed automatically, optional# -relstep - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the# fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the -step setting.# If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen.# -side - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four# values: auto : one-sided derivative computed automatically, right : one-sided derivative (f(x+h)-f(x))/h,# left : one-sided derivative (f(x)-f(x-h))/h, both : two-sided derivative (f(x+h)-f(x-h))/(2*h), an :# user-computed explicit derivatives, where h is the -step parameter described above. The "automatic"# one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any# constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise,# but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default is auto.# -debugder - switch to enable console debug logging of user-computed derivatives, as described above. Note that# when debugging is enabled, then -side should be set to auto, right, left or both, depending on which# numerical derivative you wish to compare to. Requires -debugreltol and -debugabstol values.# -debugreltol - relative error that controls printing of derivatives comparison if relative error exceeds this# value. Requires -debugder and -debugabstol.# -debugabstol - absolute error that controls printing of derivatives comparison if absolute error exceeds this# value. Requires -debugder and -debugreltol.# Synopsis: value value ?-fixed? ?-lowlim value? ?-uplim value? ?-step value? ?-relstep value? ?-side value?# ?-debugder -debugreltol value -debugabstol value?## Example of building 4 parameters with different constraints:# ```# set par0 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new a 1.0 -fixed -side both]# set par1 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new b 2.0]# set par2 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new c 0.0 -fixed]# set par3 [::tclopt::ParameterMpfit new d 0.1 -lowlim -0.3 -uplim 0.2]# ```set arguments [argparse -inline {
{-fixed -boolean}
{-side= -enum {auto right left both an} -default auto}
{-debugder -boolean -require {debugreltol debugabstol}}
my configure -side [dget $arguments side]
if {[dexist $arguments step]} {
my configure -step [dget $arguments step]
if {[dexist $arguments relstep]} {
my configure -relstep [dget $arguments relstep]
my configure -debugder [dget $arguments debugder]
if {[dget $arguments debugder]} {
my configure -derivreltol [dget $arguments debugreltol]
my configure -derivabstol [dget $arguments debugabstol]
set params ""
if {[dget $arguments fixed]} {
lappend params -fixed
dict for {paramName value} $arguments {
if {$paramName ni {side step relstep debugder debugreltol debugabstol fixed}} {
lappend params -$paramName $value
next $name $initval {*}$params
method <WriteProp-debugder> {value} {
if {[string is boolean -strict $value]} {
set debugder $value
} else {
return -code error "debugder property value '$value' must be a boolean type"
method <WriteProp-derivabstol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<0} {
return -code error "derivabstol value '$value' of parameter must be more or equal to zero"
} else {
set derivabstol $value
} else {
return -code error "derivabstol value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-derivreltol> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<0} {
return -code error "derivreltol value '$value' of parameter must be more or equal to zero"
} else {
set derivreltol $value
} else {
return -code error "derivreltol value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-relstep> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "Relative step value '$value' of parameter must be more than zero"
} else {
set relstep $value
} else {
return -code error "Relative step value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"
method <WriteProp-side> {value} {
if {$value in {auto right left both an}} {
set side $value
} else {
return -code error "Side of derivative selector value '$value' of parameter must be of one of the type 'auto', 'right', 'left', 'both' or 'an'"
method <WriteProp-step> {value} {
if {[string is double -strict $value]} {
if {$value<=0} {
return -code error "Step value '$value' of parameter must be more than zero"
} else {
set step $value
} else {
return -code error "Step value '$value' of parameter must be a double type"