ExamplesTop, Main, Index
This section contains examples of usage of interpolation/approximation procedures of the package. List of availible examples:
- 1D Linear and nearest interpolation - "examples/linear_near_interpolation.tcl" file
1D Linear and nearest interpolationTop, Main, Index
The two most basic types of interpolation are linear and nearest ones. These types are availible with procedures ::tclinterp::interpolation::lin1d and ::tclinterp::interpolation::near1d. To demonstrate both type we use shifted sinusoidal function:
f(x) = sin(10 ⋅ x) + 1.1
Relative error is calculated here and in all subsequent chapters is defined as:
f - f exact interp rel.err = ──────────────── ⋅ 100% f exact
Import all procedures from ::tclinterp namespace:
package require tclinterp package require ticklecharts set ::ticklecharts::theme "dark" namespace import ::tclinterp::* namespace import ::tclinterp::interpolation::* namespace import ::tclinterp::approximation::*
Define procedures for sinusoidal function calculation, error calculation and for generating sequence of x values:
proc sinFunc {x} { return [= {sin($x*10)+1.1}] } proc relError {ref act} { return [= {($ref-$act)*100/$ref}] } proc genSeq {xmin xmax step func} { for {set i 0} {$i<=[= {($xmax-$xmin)/$step}]} {incr i} { set xval [= {$xmin+$i*$step}] lappend x $xval lappend y [$func $xval] } return [list $x $y] }
Create input data, interpolation points xi
and exact values at these points:
set xmin 0 set xmax 1 set step 0.05 set stepInterp 0.01 lassign [genSeq $xmin $xmax $step sinFunc] x y lassign [genSeq $xmin $xmax $stepInterp sinFunc] xInterp yExact
Input data has points with 0.05 step, xi
values are separated by 0.01 step.
Zip input data for ticklecharts
set xydata [lmap xi $x yi $y {list $xi $yi}]
Call interpolation function ::tclinterp::interpolation::lin1d that returns list of interpolated y values, and zip xi
and yInterpLin
set yInterpLin [lin1d -x $x -y $y -xi $xInterp] set xydataInterpLin [lmap xi $xInterp yi $yInterpLin {list $xi $yi}]
Do the same for ::tclinterp::interpolation::near1d:
set yInterpNear [near1d -x $x -y $y -xi $xInterp] set xydataInterpNear [lmap xi $xInterp yi $yInterpNear {list $xi $yi}]
Zip exact values:
set xydataExact [lmap xi $xInterp yi $yExact {list $xi $yi}]
Calculate errors:
set interpErrorLin [lmap xi $xInterp yiExact $yExact yiInterpLin $yInterpLin {list $xi [relError $yiExact $yiInterpLin]}] set interpErrorNear [lmap xi $xInterp yiExact $yExact yiInterpNear $yInterpNear {list $xi [relError $yiExact $yiInterpNear]}]
Plot and save results using ticklecharts
# plot interpolated data and errors set chart [ticklecharts::chart new] $chart Xaxis -name "x" -minorTick {show "True"} -min 0 -max 1 -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chart Yaxis -name "y" -minorTick {show "True"} -min 0 -max 2.5 -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chart SetOptions -title {} -legend {top "0%" left "20%"} -tooltip {} -animation "False" -backgroundColor "#212121" -toolbox {feature {dataZoom {yAxisIndex "none"}}} $chart Add "lineSeries" -data $xydata -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Initial data" $chart Add "lineSeries" -data $xydataInterpLin -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Linear interpolation" $chart Add "lineSeries" -data $xydataInterpNear -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Nearest interpolation" $chart Add "lineSeries" -data $xydataExact -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Exact data" set chartError [ticklecharts::chart new] $chartError Xaxis -name "x" -minorTick {show "True"} -min 0 -max 1 -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartError Yaxis -name "Rel. error, %" -minorTick {show "True"} -type "value" -splitLine {show "True"} $chartError SetOptions -title {} -legend {top "50%" left "30%"} -tooltip {} -animation "False" -backgroundColor "#212121" -toolbox {feature {dataZoom {yAxisIndex "none"}}} $chartError Add "lineSeries" -data $interpErrorLin -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Linear interpolation error" $chartError Add "lineSeries" -data $interpErrorNear -showAllSymbol "nothing" -name "Nearest interpolation error" # create multiplot set layout [ticklecharts::Gridlayout new] $layout Add $chart -bottom "55%" -height "40%" -width "80%" $layout Add $chartError -bottom "5%" -height "40%" -width "80%" # save to file set fbasename [file rootname [file tail [info script]]] $layout Render -outfile [file normalize [file join html_charts $fbasename.html]] -height 800px
Results are: